CHP 10

971 61 6

Who the hell is this Rosy !!

I went close to this peacock and said in this ear : If you think you can keep a watch on me and send messages to your lover than your mistaken.
I backed away and gave a smirk l can tell that he was shocked as af .

And immediately turned and went ran alway in a blink of an eye

Lin shu ( Oh no by this behaviour he  is rejecting the female, what will happen now if the female gets angry)

Heh , l turned around and saw every one starring at me , mh now l have to explain
"Nothing This fool thinks that he will spy on me l will not know about This Fang Yuan came to be my suitor because Rosy told him to keep a eye on me and tell what ever I do , to her *irritated tone*

Everyone was shocked to say a word

Lin shu "Rosy had send him to be a suiter so that he can spy on you ,

Female extremely sorry for whatever Rosy has done Rosy is my brother's daughter she is always like this she doesn't like if some female takes her place she is the tribes beauty every single male likes and wants to be her mate but now every one wants to be your mate ever since they saw you feeding  Luka ,  Rosy wants to pull you down so that she can take the first place in the  pagent if you take part"

"I was earlier not interested in this pageant but since this Rosy wants to mess with me I will show her piece of my mind so she really doesn't want me to participate now I will participate in that pagent and I will win  it".

Now I know why you ( Rosy ) sent that peacock :
• She scared of losing the pageant.
• Scared of me becoming the tribes beauty.
• Lin yi must be the son of the 2 nd tribe leader and he is also strong, so she wants him.

I am going to meet this Rosy and my information power will do the rest.

Okay then Rosy will play it your way than .

But first

I accept them l pointed towards the three of them and l walked towards them and said But before that first tell whether you all want to be my mate l Don't and loveless relationship

To be shocked would be an understatement , they have never seen a female who ask the males whether they are happy with being her mate's or not and especially with such a smart and kind behaviour.

They all said in a union " Yes "

Okay then she turned towards Luka and asked him " Luka do you want them to be my mate's are you okay this it ? "

At this point everyone was surprised a female asked her male whether he was  okay with having more male's, females never cared about a male's opinion.

Local was surprised to that his female asked him very he was ok or not, he with a smile on his face replied "yes they all a very capable and loyal and make perfect mates "

Okay then l want to make a few things clear before we become mates ,

1st No fighting unless it is for practice, but there should be no major injuries.
2nd  Before we mate l want to spend time with each other so we can understand eachother, and also because I want my mate's mark near my heart .
3rd  l will never show any favoritsim, and always remember l will love each every one of my mates equally.
4th And before l accept any males l will ask all of my mates opinion.

And l want to spend time with each and everyone of my suitors for two days and then l will accept them as my mate's but after the pagent.

After hearing all this female said they all were shocked a female who cares about her mates feelings, wants to give attention to every single mate , doesn't want her mate's to fight against eachother to earn favour from the female.

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