22. Going to Church

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It is a Sunday morning, in the Gardner's household. The father, Nicholas, wakes up his three sons: Nicholas Jr. (15), Adam (12), and Harold (10). He says to them, "Time to get up, boys." Adam yawns and says, "Dad, it's Sunday, not Monday." Junior asks, "Yeah, why do we have to wake up so early? We usually do this for school. What's going on, dad?" Nicholas explains, "We're going to church this morning. Your mother has been pestering us to join her at her church. If I have to go to church, we all have to go to church. Besides, you boys could use some religion after the way y'all have been acting lately. Come on, get ready!"

Nicholas drove his midsize SUV to the church and parked a block away. He and his sons were not too keen on spending their Sunday in church. Sidney, their mother, said to them, "You don't have to go to church with me every Sunday, just once in a while." Nicholas added, "Come on, boys, let's do this for Mom and our Heavenly Father." Sidney thanked him and they all got out of the vehicle. Sidney wore a beige dress and hat that matched her perm hairdo, which she had done at the beauty salon. She also wore her favorite black designer shoes. Nicholas and his sons wore dress pants with shirts and ties. Nicholas and Junior also wore blazers. They entered Mt. Olive Methodist Church, where Sidney had been a regular member for three months. She hoped her whole family would join her someday. Nick and his sons prefer watching football and other sports on TV at home, especially the local teams. Sidney proudly introduced her family to the other church members they met and they were seated in a pew, four rows from the front. During the service, Junior noticed this cute girl around his age in the choir box. He couldn't take his eyes off her and imagined a song playing in his head. The girl saw him too and smiled and waved at him lightly. Junior nodded and smiled back. Adam is feeling out of place, especially while the young people's choir is performing a selection. He observes his family's reactions: Harold clapping his hands and singing along, Junior gazing at a choir girl, Harold whispering to his mother about joining the choir, and Dad is tapping his feet and smiling. Adam can't believe it; he feels like his whole family has changed while he still resists. He decides to leave the sanctuary and go downstairs to the men's restroom. He sees only one toilet stall near the entrance, but it is too exposed for him to hide there, though there is a door in front the toilet, someone entering could spot the occupant using the booth, especially at the bottom of the partition. He changes his mind when a little boy needs to use the stall. He only urinates before going back upstairs to rejoin his family, just in time for the collection.  

Later, around 5 pm, the family arrives home from church. In the living room, Nicholas says to his family, "I enjoyed Reverend Porter preaching, rousing the congregation speaking, 'This morning, I heard a knock at the door. I said I heard a knock at the door.' Everyone responded with 'Amens' and 'speak pastor'. I really enjoyed myself and I learned a lot. How about you, Junior? I knew you were inspired, son, when you got up and urgently volunteered to join the church. I was proud how you and your baby brother went to the altar to join the church." Sidney replies, "I was wondering if Junior wanted to join because he was inspired or because he liked Tanya." Junior blushes and smiles, while his family cheers him on. Sidney tells Junior, "Your reason better be for inspiration and praise." (Junior nods yes.) "And you, Adam, why didn't you get up and go to the altar?" Adam replies, "I didn't want to join." Harold says, "I can't wait to go again! Oh, I need your permission to join the choir. I auditioned with a hum and they have choir rehearsal every Friday. Can I please join, mom and dad?" Junior adds, "I joined too. I hummed and sang a tune when I auditioned." Nick tells them, "Well, I won't be able to go to church every week. I'll be there as much as I can." Sidney asks, "How about you, Adam?" Adam doesn't answer. He leaves the living room saying, "I'm going to the bathroom. Besides, I was taught to be an individual, not a follower." Sidney and Nicholas have no choice but to respect Adam's decision.

On the next Sunday at Mt. Olive, Sidney is serving as an usher. Junior and Harold join the choir, sitting in the box, while Adam sits among the congregation. His dad is working, so Sidney brings him along instead of leaving him home by himself.


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