Chapter Seven: Hollow Shell

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The school was a hollow shell of what it previously was

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The school was a hollow shell of what it previously was. The loud laughters and happy chatters that once reigned here had shimmered down to hushed whispers and tensed glances. The former chaotic yet jovial ambiance had been replace by a dark, looming cloud of gloom that hovered over everyone.

Danielle was sitting in the quiet library, absentmindedly rifling through the pages of Frankenstein. The events that had transpired since last night replayed in her mind in a devious loop. Everything felt surreal, like a lucid nightmare.

"Nice choice of book," a calm voice said from beside her. She jumped at the sudden intervention of her thoughts and whirled around. Beside her on the bench sat Xavier Alvarez with an easy smile on his lips.

The library was mostly empty. A few students were scattered around, sitting as far away from her as possible, doing school work or quietly reading. Seeing Xavier beside her and so close to her filled Danielle's geart with equal parts of fear and warmth.

She was curious as to why the principal's son had taken such a sudden interest on her but at the same time, she felt happy knowing that there was someone other than Rayana, who didn't run away at the sight of her and treated her like a normal person and not a murderer.

Danielle shrugged. "Not really reading it though."

"Can tell." Xavier slid a little closer to her. An awkward silence filled the space between them as neither knew how to fill it.

Finally, Xavier spoke up. "I believe you."

"Sorry?" Danielle looked confused.

"I don't think you killed Arianna."

"Thank you, I guess."  Danielle fiddled with the corner of a page. "But others don't seem to think that way."

"I will help you," Xavier said, firmly.

Danielle looked up at Xavier, questioningly.

"I will help you prove your innocence," Xavier clarified. "You've two week, right?"

Danielle nodded, silently.

Before he could say anything further, the library door opened, soundly. Ophelia Alvarez strode into the room. The ambience of the library shifted somewhat with her arrival. A shiver rippled through Danielle's body. Ophelia's eyes fell on Danielle. Her eyes narrowes slightly as they fell on Xavier. The action was so subtle that Danielle wouldn't have caught it if she weren't looking at her so closely.

But the very next moment, her eyes again slid over to Danielle. "Ms. Imchen, please come to my office."

Ophelia Alvarez didn't wait for a reply and turning around, she walked out of the library. Danielle closed the book and stood up.

"Meet me at the quad tonight," Xavier whispered, hurriedly, eyes fixeted on the door as if waiting for his mother to come back again any moment. "At nine."

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