Chapter 9

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I'd been sat in the swinging chair of this room for a while now, crying. How can i be so stupid, It's been a day and i'm already laughing with them. I feel angry at myself and the world. Why do I have to be an orphan. Why couldn't i have had a family like this. Why is god taunting me with this opportunity. I need to focus. I need to get out of here before its too late, before i become brainwashed. I sigh.

I just need to get the ID.

Suddenly Julian appears and says " time to feed the wolves, and after that it's dinner time for us. You must be starving it's been hectic, normally we will eat 3 meals a day but the chaos made us forget." I huff at this. I have to feed the stupid wolves. I get up from the swinging chair and head to the cave.

I try and push the entrance of the cave open but it's too heavy. Ugh this is so much effort. Suddenly the rock moves by itself, I look behind me and see Julian using his finger to move the rock. I give him a questionable glance and he just says. "Vampire powers." I'll have to get used to this.

Anyways I tip toe into the cave as the wolves are sleeping and walk over to the shelves to grab the ingredients however the metal bowls make a sound and the wolves awaken.

They advance towards me and i scream out of fear. "Back! Back!" I shout while tears fill my eyes. This is really it, im totally dead.

"Sit!" Julian commands. And they sit.

He looks at me "Wolves sense fear, you need to say sit like me." I nod. "Up!" He commands and the wolves walk around again and walk towards me my heart picks up and i say "SIT!" They listen, woahhh.

Julian looks at me proud, once again this pains my heart...a proud fatherly look i've never experienced. It makes me hate the world for taunting me like this.

I go over to the bench and construct their meals, i then place the bowls on the ground, exit the cave and say "Up!"

The wolves go and eat their meal and the rock is pushed back in front of the cave.

I'm currently sat in between Jasper and Leo at the dining table. Suddenly maids and buttlers start bringing a buffet of food out and placing it on the table. Jeez how loaded are these guys.

It's Italian themed, so there varieties of pastas and pizzas and a bunch of things that i have never seen before. Once all the food is out Julian says "dig in." All the boys start piling stuff onto their plates like the pigs they are, i wait until they have finished and i reach for the pasta spoon.

However, Jasper places a plate in front of me before i do, Its a plate full of pasta its a large portion not as much as everyone elses cause they're obviously bigger but its still big for me.

"Thanks". I say shyly.

"You never did that for me, Jasper" leo whines.

Jasper looks at him, blankly. "That's because you're a pig." Leo puts his hand on his heart like he's been stabbed and then begins eating.

I try the pasta its delicious the best thing ive ever had. As we're eating everyone keeps asking me questions such as whats my favourite colour, green, what's my favourite food, chicken nuggets, ect ect. "Is this an interview?" I ask.

They all shake their heads Julian says "we're just trying to get to know you."

"Then it's only fair that i get to ask some questions too." I say. He nods.

"How the hell are you guys this loaded, are you criminals?" I ask.

Julian laughs. They all laugh. "We're the royal vampire family, dear. I am the vampire king, and yes that does make you a princess now, that explains the crown bruise on your neck" my eyes widen "why didnt you tell me this sooner?" I ask shocked everyone laughs again "slipped my mind". Julian says with a shrug.

A princess, dang not for long, ill be leaving soon.

Dinner went smoothly, i only ate half of my pasta but no one said anything, probably because they didn't want me to have a 5th breakdown of the day.

It was now bedtime according to Julian. Ugh that's so annoying i'm not a child that needs to be told when to go to bed. But i decide to not argue right now i need as much trust as i can get as it will make it easier for me to be able to escape.

Julian walks me to my room and says "goodnight, maybe one day i'll be able to tuck you in, but i wont push you for now." Tch as if. "Night." I say blankly as I walk into the room I reside in. I refuse to call it my room.

I sit in the hanging chair thinking about the day. Thinking about everything. And finally thinking about my plan to escape. I'll wait until everyone is in bed to search the house for Julians ID.

A couple hours later I hear the 5th pair of footsteps ascend the stairs and enter their room, that means it was Julian.

Now is the time.

I tip toe down the stairs and search through all the drawers in the living room and kitchen. Nothing. I check the shelves. Nothing. I also check the kitchen counters. Still nothing.

Ugh why is it so hidden??

I am actually getting tired now though, and I don't want to make too much noise. I decide to call it a night and try again the next day. This will probably take longer than i thought it would.

I creep back into my room and shut the door. I get into bed and drift to sleep.

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