Chapter 11

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Ive been sat on my bed staring at the pocket knife for about 30 minutes contemplating if im actually going to go through with this or not.

Will i ever be able to escape in a different way?

Probably not, it's impossible. It's almost been 2 weeks and there's no sign of the ID. I've been getting too comfortable too. They might brainwash me before I even find the ID. I can't let them win, if i do this it means I win. I don't have much to lose anyways, only my pride.

I'm going to do it.

I hold the knife in my shaking hand, I take deep breaths as i realise what im about to do.

Just don't think about it, I can't think about it or i'll back out.

In an instant I hold the knife to my stomach and jab with as much power as I can.

I did it.

Pain is all i feel, i've never felt this much pain in my life.

I drop to the floor causing a loud bang. I cry. I cry for my physical pain and my mental pain. It'll finally be over. There's nothing for me in this world anyways in neither the human realm or vampire realm. Im destined to be alone. darkness consumes me, it's time.

Julian POV

I hear a loud bang that woke me up from my slumber. It came from Elowynns room. Elowynn. I begin to think the worst and I run to her room in an instant.

I- "ELOWYNN" I say panicked. She had stabbed herself in the stomach with my knife. Vampires are immortal, she can't die. But serious injuries can have serious complications, cause life time disabilities and of course excruciating pain.

Due to my shouting all the boys enter this room, just as panicked as i. I pick elowynn up and pass her to Jasper as I have to drive. We rush down to the car and drive to the hospital. Due to our royal status we don't have to wait to be seen, Elowynn is rushed into urgent care instantly.

We have been waiting outside of her room while the doctors work on her injury anxiously.

The boys have been super worried, especially Leo.

If anything happens to her i'll never forgive myself. I dont know if i can even forgive myself already.

This hasn't happened before not with any of my boys. Odin was the hardest work but he conformed in the end without anything like this happening.

I continue to blame myself thinking the worst when suddenly a doctor comes out.

"She should be fine, you got here just in time. We sorted the injury out. However, we have other things to discuss."

"Like what?! what is wrong with my daughter?!" I demand.

The doctor looks scared, good. He should be scared, if anything goes wrong he knows i'll have his head. "w-well she's very small for a 17 year old, even for a baby bat it is concerning." He says while stuttering.

Ahh, the weight situation. At this i calm down a little, I thought it was about the current situation. "She won't eat more, I've tried. What do i do?" I ask the doctor, realising I do need help.

"Me and my colleagues will come up with a diet plan for you to take once she leaves hospital, it will probably include special protein shakes she must drink with every meal." He explains.

"Okay, I want to see my daughter now" I demand getting worried. I just want to see her.

He nods and moves out of the way. He knows better than to deny.

The boys and I enter the room hastily. I see her lying there on the hospital bed unconscious.

My heart aches seeing her in this state especially since i know it's my fault. I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of it stroking her hair like i did last night. All my sons look so concerned and scared. She's the light of our lives, but we're the darkness of hers.

After about 1 hour I feel movement coming from Elowynn's bed. My heart picks up in excitement as i stare at her moving form. She's ok.

Elowynn's POV

Dude that was the best sleep ive ever had i think to myself as i awaken from the deep slumber.

Only to then be hit with first the most excruciating pain in my stomach and secondly the brightest light shone in my eyes. I whimper from the pain.

My eyes finally begin to adjust as i sit up however the pain in my stomach does not lessen. What the hell is happening to me?

Then all of a sudden it hits me, I stabbed am i not dead? I look next to me and I see Julian with a concerned look. I stare at him.

"H-how am I alive?" I ask genuinely confused.

"So you did this with the intention of dying?" he asks with a pained expression. "Vampires are immortal, Elowynn. However injuries like this can cause serious damage and often disabilities."

My face drops dang it, i did all of this just to not die. I sigh and lean my head on the back of the bed. Suddenly i feel a warm hand grab mine, I look towards the owner. Leo. "Are you ok Winnie?" Leo asks with a tear stained face. It almost makes me feel guilty, but they did this to me. I simply nod not wanting to converse. 

I look around and see all the brothers look at me. They're all pitying me right now, I hate it. You get a lot of pity stares as an orphan, people pretending to care. It's pathetic. I realise Jasper isn't in the room. Of course he isn't, he hated me from the start, he is letting the facade drop, him pretending to care about me plating up my dinner. tch. Why do i even care that he isn't here? I don't. I don't care. (guys i think she cares)

All of a sudden the door opens. In walks in Jasper holding the biggest bouquet of flowers ive ever seen. I look at him in shock and confusion. He walks over to me and hands me the bouquet. For me? I've never received flowers before..I. I feel ..somewhat happy for the first time in a while. "thanks" I whisper.

Jasper just looks at me blankly and says "You're an idiot." Jeez thanks Jasper 🙄.

For a moment i forget why im in the hospital, I forget that i was kidnapped and i smile, i laugh until i don't.

These people don't care for me. They put me in this hospital, they made me stab myself and I just continuously forget about that fact. They really are brainwashing me.

I throw the flowers across the room "STOP!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Everyone is silent they stop what they were doing and look at me confused. I feel as though I'm ready to explode "Can you all stop!" I exclaim as tears well in my eyes. I cry out "Stop acting like you care about me, like we're a happy family. Newsflash we aren't you kidnapped me and turned me into a vampire without my permission. I hate it here I want to go home and you wont let me. stop acting as if you care about my feelings stop i cant take it anymore, even my own parents didnt care about me why would a bunch of strangers?" By the end of my rant im hyperventilating and crying a lot.

Crying for the physical pain, crying for the loss of my parents, crying for hating that im starting to get attached, crying that i believed for a split second we could be a family.

Suddenly Julian wraps his arms around my back and puts his hand on the back of my head holding me to his chest, he holds me while i cry, he holds my while i punch him and try to push him away. despite all my attempts to get out he holds me.

Something my own father has never done. I decide to let myself enjoy this one moment of peace i can have. This one moment of fatherly love i will never get to experience again, even if its fake. I'll be leaving soon anyways and i'll be alone again.

I let myself have this, and eventually I fall asleep in his arms.

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