The Death of Reign George

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~3rd person POV~

At lunch, Reign was sitting with (Y/n) on his left and Cady on his right, buttering some bread. His appearance was more sloppy with sweatpants and a loose shirt on. Gretchen and Karen walked up to the table and sat their trays down. "Reign. We need to talk to you." 

Reign looked at Cady. "Is butter a carb?"


The other two plastics looked expectantly to the blond. "Reign, you're wearing sweatpants. It's Monday." Reign glared up at the two. "So?" 

"So that's against the rules, and you can't sit with us," Karen responded. 

Reign rolled his eyes. "Whatever, those rules aren't real."

Karen's eyes widened. "They were real that day I wore a vest."

(Y/n) looked up from her food. "Because that vest was disgusting." She shot back, defending her boyfriend. 

"You can't sit with us!" Gretchen shouted.

The cafeteria went silent and the three slowly looked around the quiet room. 

"...Sweatpants are all that fits me right now." He muttered. (Y/n) frowned at his embarrassed tone. He looked at the others and noticed their avoidant stares. His jaw clenched as he stood up, tossing his plastic knife on his tray. "Fine. You can walk home, bitches. C'mon, (Y/n)." As he stepped out of his seat, he bumped into a heavier woman. "Watch where you're going, fatass."

The room erupted with laughter, making the boy's face flush and quickly walked out, (Y/n) quickly following afterward with a glare at the group.


Cady was the new queen bee. Karen and Gretchen followed her around like puppies. She decided one final time to get Aaron to like her. She hosted a small get-together for a few friends, but it quickly turned into a crowded house party with things broken and drinks everywhere.

Word got out to Reign and (Y/n) about the party, causing the two to quickly drive to the redhead's house. Reign drove with (Y/n) in the passenger seat and their friend, Shane Oman in the backseat. "She thinks she's going to have a party and not invite us?" Reign shouted angrily. 

"Who does she think she is?!" He scowled. "I don't know, hun." (Y/n) replied. "We like invented her, you know?" She growled and stepped on the gas. 

The three walked into the party in search of the redhead, almost coming in contact with Aaron. 

   Aaron and Cady were upstairs in her room. "I wasted too much time being pissed off at Reign. No more liars." Aaron stated. Cady quickly nodded her head "Of course.." She trailed off before laughing. "Although..Okay listen, I did lie to you once, but you're totally gonna laugh when I tell you."

"Tell me what?" He asked.

"I pretended to be bad at math so that you'd help me. I'm actually really good at math. You're bad at math. Anyways, I'm failing. Isn't that funny?" She leaned in, but Aaron pulled back. "Wait. You're failing on purpose. That's stupid." 

She looked up at him. "No, not on purpose. I just wanted a reason to talk to you."

"So why didn't you talk to me?"

"Well, because I couldn't. Because of Reign. Because you were his property."


Cady laughed. "No, shut up. Not property." 

Aaron narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't tell me to shut up. God, you know what? You are a clone of Reign and (Y/n)."

"No, you're not listening to me..."

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