Sucking The Poison Out

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~3rd Person POV~

Reign George didn't die, but he did break his spine.

Sitting in a mobility bed, many people stood around him in prayer with large lavish flowers everywhere. (Y/n) stood beside his mother as friends and family visited. He laid there peacefully, enjoying the attention. Even if the situation could have been better...


It was time for the Spring Fling, Reign was in his suit from one-three-five while his mother helped with the metal bars around his head, making him hiss in pain. 

(Y/n) was in her house with a (f/c) dress that hugged her curves. Reign picked it out for her of course. He wanted the best for her.

Gretchen fiddled with her hair and took out her retainer, scrunching her face at the object before putting it away.

Karen made a 'K' on her chest with rhinestones. They were backward, but the blonde wasn't phased.

Janis and Damian revealed their matching purple suits and walked out.

Cady left her dress hung up on the door and wore a mathletes outfit, walking out the door. 


At the Spring Fling, the party was lively with decorations, a DJ, bright lights, and students decked out in their sparkliest outfits. 

"I'm voting for Reign George because he was hit by that bus." A boy told his friend. "I'm voting for Cady Heron because she pushed him." The two laughed and marked their ballets.

Reign and (Y/n) smiled for the photographer as they held onto each other. Mrs. George was in the background, posing with a camera too. 

The blond moved his lips to his girlfriend's hairline and kissed it lightly. "You look so hot right now." A smile stretched across the girl's face. "You're one to talk." He rolled his eyes. "I have a metal structure around my head right now." The (h/c) laughed and brushed his short blond hair back. "Doesn't hide how I see you."

The boy sighed and gently took her hand, guiding her to the stage. "You look like a queen." He admitted, slowly spinning her around. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He said sincerely. The (e/c) eyed girl smiled up at him. "All those painkillers must have gotten to you." She gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you." As still as he could, he pulled out her signature lip gloss. "Can't have it wear off." The girl took the gloss and reapplied. "You always know when I need it."

Mr. Duvall went to the stage and called all the Spring Fling Kings and Queens. The two walked up and stood on both sides of the stage. "All right, do we have all our nominees for king and queen on stage?" He looked at the groups. "Okay, good. I just wanted to say that you're all winners. And I could not be happier that this school year's ending." He sighed. "Here we go. The winner of the Spring Fling King is..." He opened the envelope. "Shane Oman." The large blond man shouted with excitement, making the (h/c) jump out of her skin at the sudden noise.

"That's what I'm talking about!" He shouted, taking the crown. Reign just rolled his eyes at the boy's act. 

Mr. Duvall walked back to the microphone. "And your Spring Fling Queen, future co-chair of the Student Activities Board, and the winner of two gift certificates to the Walker Brothers Pancake house... Cady Heron." 

The students made sounds of surprise at who won, but the redhead wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Where is Cady?"

A spotlight revealed the redhead in the middle of the dance floor. "There she is." 

The girl slowly walked towards the stage despite the looks everyone gave her. She received her crown and stood in front of the microphone. "Thanks..." She took a breath. "Well, half of the people in this room are mad at me, and the other half only like me because they think I pushed someone in front of a bus. So that's not good."

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