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[few days later]

As Aeng's mother called out to her, the sound echoed through the house, drawing Aeng's attention away from her thoughts. With a quick response, Aeng made her way downstairs.

Entering the living room, Aeng found her mother smiling warmly at her, a glint of excitement in her eyes. Aeng took a seat, her curiosity growing as she waited for her mother to speak.

"Sit down, dear. I have something to tell you."

Aeng settled into her seat, anticipation fluttering in her chest as she waited for her mother's announcement.

"Guess what? Your birthday is coming up, and I've decided to throw you a party!"

Aeng's eyes widened in surprise, the reminder of her lack of friends cast a shadow over her anticipation, leaving her feeling a pang of loneliness.

Aeng's smile wavered as she struggled to mask her disappointment, her heart heavy with the realization that she had no one to invite to her birthday party.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? Aren't you excited?"

Aeng forced a smile at her mother's excitement, though inside, her heart ached.

"I am more than happy mom"


Later, alone in her room, Aeng mulled over her mother's suggestion. Despite her initial hesitation, a glimmer of hope sparked within her. Perhaps she could extend invitations to her classmates? even if they weren't close friends. Maybe, just maybe, some of them would be willing to attend and make her birthday a little brighter.

Aeng decided to take a chance. She reached for her phone and began making invitation cards for printing. Though uncertain, she couldn't ignore the flicker of hope that danced in her heart at the prospect of their company.

She decided the venue with great excitement hoping that this birthday would be different for her.


Aeng's heart pounded in her chest as she mustered the courage to approach her classmates, her palms sweating with nervousness. With a shaky voice, she interrupted their gossiping session, her words faltering as she addressed the group.

Aeng: "Um, hey... So, tomorrow's my birthday, and I was thinking about inviting you all. I hope you'd come."

She scratched her neck nervously, her eyes darting between the girls as she took out the invitation cards from her tote bag and began distributing them. Aeng's hopes soared as she watched their reactions, expecting to see smiles and nods of acceptance.

Meanwhile, across the room, Taehyung's laughter faded as he observed Aeng's interactions with her classmates. He couldn't shake the disappointment that gnawed at him, the realization sinking in that Aeng had chosen to invite those who had treated her unkindly but not him.

A pang of hurt tugged at Taehyung's heart as he watched Aeng leave the group, Though they hadn't shared many moments, he couldn't help but feel a connection to her, a desire to offer her comfort in her time of need.
He couldn't understand why she had chosen to exclude him from her birthday plans.


In her eagerness to extend invitations, Aeng even decided to invite Jackson and his friends, her mind filled with visions of a fun-filled celebration surrounded by all her classmates. She brushed off any lingering doubts, choosing to focus on the possibility of a joyous gathering.

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, Aeng's decision to invite Jackson and his friends added another layer of complexity to the situation. As Taehyung made his way home, unaware of Aeng's actions, he couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered within him.

Aeng hoped with all her heart that everyone would show up, eager to celebrate her special day


As Aeng admired her reflection in the mirror, a sense of joy and anticipation washed over her, a rare smile gracing her lips. Dressed in a beautiful pink gown adorned with sparkling sleeves, and a delicate tiara perched atop her wavy hair, she felt like a princess on her special day. For the first time in three years, she allowed herself to embrace the happiness that radiated from within.

With a final glance in the mirror, Aeng joined her mother in the car, her excitement palpable as they made their way to the venue. As they arrived, Aeng's heart fluttered with excitement at the sight of the beautiful villa-style location, adorned with her favorite cherry blossom trees. It was the perfect setting for her birthday celebration.

Stepping inside, Aeng was greeted by the sight of enchanting decorations, each detail carefully curated to create a magical atmosphere. A smile tugged at her lips as she took in the scene, her heart filled with gratitude for her mother's efforts.

Taking a seat, Aeng eagerly awaited the arrival of her guests, She couldn't wait to share this joyous occasion with her classmates, hoping that they would arrive soon to fill the space with laughter and celebration.


As Taehyung walked along the bustling streets, his steps faltered as he caught sight of Jackson's group nearby. Intrigued by their conversation, he discreetly edged closer, his curiosity piqued by their mention of Aeng.

Jackson: "Can you believe how naive Aeng is? She's probably waiting at the venue right now, thinking we'll all show up."

Friend 1: "Yeah, she's always been so clueless. It's kind of sad, really."

Friend 2: "I heard her parents are loaded. That's probably why her so-called classmates stick around."

Jackson (laughing): "Exactly! Her girl classmates are only pretending to be her friends because of her money. But don't worry, I made sure to text them not to go to that ugly duckling's party. Let's give her a little surprise heartache, shall we?"

Taehyung clenched his fists, internally seething.

Aeng doesn't deserve this.

Taehyung's heart ached for Aeng as he listened to Jackson's callous words, his resolve strengthening with each passing moment. He vowed to find a way to show Aeng that she wasn't alone, that someone cared for her well-being.

Taehyung approached Jackson's group with a casual demeanor, concealing the storm of emotions brewing within him. He plastered a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey, guys what's up?"

Jackson and his friends exchanged knowing glances, their expressions shifting with a hint of mischief as they regarded Taehyung.

"Oh, hey Taehyung. Just talking about some plans for tonight. You know, the usual."

Taehyung nodded, feigning interest as he casually steered the conversation towards the topic of Aeng's birthday party.

"Oh, right. Speaking of plans, do you guys know where Aeng's party is being held? I heard it's going to be pretty fun."

Jackson's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a smirk playing on his lips

"Oh, so you're interested in Aeng's party, huh? Well, it's at that fancy villa on Seoul Street. But honestly, you're better off staying away."

Taehyung nodded nonchalantly, masking his true intentions.

"Got it. Thanks for the heads up."

With that, Taehyung bid Jackson and his friends farewell.


One Spring Day- Kim Taehyung Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang