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Aeng gathered her courage and stepped into the classroom, her heart pounding in her chest as she clutched her bag tightly. As she entered, she noticed that nobody seemed to pay her any attention, which was typical, but somehow it felt different today. She braced herself for the worst, expecting insults and ridicule to come her way.

Suddenly, Jackson appeared from behind, blocking her path and standing directly in front of her. Aeng's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him, her mind racing.

"Hey, Aeng. I've been wanting to talk to you."

"Oh... hi, Jackson."

To her surprise, Jackson began to speak, his words dripping with sweetness and sincerity.

"I wanted to apologize for missing your birthday. I feel really bad about it."

Aeng hesitated at first, her instincts telling her to be cautious, but the hope in her heart outweighed her doubts.

"Oh... it's okay. Thanks for apologizing."

With a tentative smile, she accepted the gift Jackson offered, her mind swirling with thoughts of her crush finally noticing her and treating her with kindness. Little did she know, Jackson's actions were driven by manipulation and deceit, a fact that would soon become painfully clear.


Taehyung stood silently by the back door of the classroom, hidden from view as he watched the scene unfold. His fists clenched at his sides, his jaw tight.

A few drops of tears glistened in his eyes as he witnessed Aeng accepting the gift from Jackson, his heart sinking with each passing moment.

Seeing Aeng's smile, fueled by the false kindness of someone he knew to be deceptive, was a bitter pill to swallow. The pain of unrequited love weighed heavily on Taehyung's shoulders, a crushing reminder of his own unspoken feelings.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Taehyung turned on his heel and left the classroom, his footsteps heavy with a mixture of sadness and anger. But deep down, he knew that Aeng's happiness, even if fleeting, was all that mattered. And so, with a heavy heart, he disappeared into the corridors.


During lunchtime, Aeng found herself seated at a table in the cafeteria, her mind still reeling from the unexpected attention she had received from Jackson earlier. As she picked at her food, lost in thought, Jackson appeared by her side once again, a charming smile playing on his lips.

"Mind if I join you for lunch, Aeng?"

Aeng glanced up, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. Despite her lingering doubts, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at his presence.

"Sure, Jackson. Have a seat."

Jackson took the seat opposite her, his eyes never leaving her face as he engaged her in conversation. With each word he spoke, his charm and charisma seemed to envelop her, drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

"So, what do you think of the new assignment in Professor Lee's class? I could use a study partner like you."

Aeng smiled nervously, feeling a flutter at the thought of spending more time with him.

"I-I think it sounds interesting. Maybe we could work on it together sometime?"


In a secluded corner of the cafeteria, Jackson sat with his friends, a smug grin on his face as he recounted the events of the day.

"Did you see the way she fell for it? Aeng is so easy to manipulate. I could have her eating out of the palm of my hand in no time."

His friends chuckled, nodding in agreement as they exchanged knowing glances.

One Spring Day- Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now