From Makeover to Boyfriend

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Sorry for the errors, haven't proofread. Enjoy :)

Looking at my uniform sitting on the bed I sighed, I dreaded going to school once again in my 'trendy-uniform' as Amber put it. The whole of the past week all I'd gotten was unwanted attention from people at school; I had become the new girl again even though I had been in the school for over one and a half months already.

The makeover played quite an impact on my social status, more people wanted to know me and much more people spoke to me. I shook my head at how narrow minded people were, was looks and outer appearance such an important factor in today's society? Did one have to be attractive to be accepted and liked by others? By the way things had changed after my makeover; the answer to that question was yes.

Thankfully by the end of the last week people finally recognized me as Carly, and just as I was happy, thinking that all the attention would die off, that feeling evaporated like dew drops on a hot summer's morning. I only got more attention, this time because people knew exactly who I was. I got a whole lot of male attention and was even asked to join 'The Ashley Spencer's Elite club for the popular'. I obviously declined in the most polite way possible but Ashley thought otherwise and took offence to.

Eventually getting rid of my mid-week blue I pulled the towel out of my damp hair and began dressing. I slipped on my fairly short plaid skirt, buttoned up my tight-fitted white shirt, tied a tie loosely around my neck, pulled up my knee high socks and slipped on my ankle boots. I hurriedly blow-dried my hair straight and left it hanging loosely and after applying a light layer of lip-gloss and putting on my contacts I headed downstairs.

After grabbing a granola bar and slipping on my school cardigan I jumped in my car and drove to yet another unwanted day at school. I idly wondered if Mason and I were still on an 'avoiding-each-other' basis. I shook my head; Mason really was a major idiot.

"When solving exponential equations where there is more than one term on a side, in other words if there are addition and subtraction signs between terms, try to factorise..." Mr Winston went on explaining exponential equations to us. I yawned; the work he was explaining was too easy. He had been going on about this one lesson for the past two days; the class was either very stupid or just simply not interested to understand.

"Were you out partying last night?" I heard a whisper from a seat next to me.

"So are we speaking again?" I asked.

"Who said we weren't?" Mason looked at me like I was talking a foreign language to him.

"Uh, let me think. You've been ignoring me ever since last Monday." I said in a duh tone.

"And don't frown so much, you look even more stupid than you really are." I added.

"I was not ignoring you, I was just busy to chit chat and I am not stupid, I take offense every time you take a pick at my intelligence."

"Busy yeah right?" I scoffed.

"And if you're so intelligent, solve the equation Mr Winston has written the board."

Mason looked dumbfounded at me, while I smirked at him. "Not so intelligent now huh? Maybe if you stop solving the 'how to get in a girls skirt' equation so much, you might be able to focus on the important things in life, like school!"

"I have solved that equation many years ago Angel, I'm known as a professor in that department." Mason grinned smugly popping the collar of his shirt before adding, "And I do focus on the important stuff like school as you refer to it, it's just this damn lesson, it's so confusing. I think you're the only one in the entire school to understand it."

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