Chapter 10

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I open my eyes that are pressed against a cold, stone floor. My hair falls around my face as I try to roll over to my knees. I am weak and extremely tired, but more than that, I'm still thirsty. My dry throat aches with soreness and makes conjuring noise difficult. I wouldn't be able to cough, let alone cast a spell.

I fall to my side, landing on my bottom, and that's when I notice the pretty, raven haired Slayer girl leaning against the wall across the darkened room. Behind her is a door that is closed, and I pinpoint that door as the only escape route. They've locked me up in another dungeon, although at least this one doesn't have bars, that's a plus. I blink up at the one source of light, a flickering candle.

"You're awake," Sophia says, her body straightens at the wall. "How do you feel?"

I clutch a hand to my throat, eyeing her desperately.

"Thirsty?" she says. I nod. "Yeah, that happens. Here." She rolls a flask across the ground, like I'm a dog that might bite her. "It's just water."

I don't trust her, but they've already knocked me out twice so I know they could again regardless of if they intend to drug me. I open the flask and I tip the ice-cold water down my throat, gurgling it down without a break. When the dryness finally subsides and I take a new breath stronger than before, I wipe my mouth and glare at her.

"Why are you helping me?" I say. "As your enemy you should be keeping me weak, not making me stronger."

"I acknowledge enemies with my sight, not with stories," she says softly. "I have heard some truly amazing stories about your coven, stories that Sam refuses to listen to. And if I believed everything I heard; I would not be standing alone in front of you now."

"I thought Slayers didn't fear anything?" I mutter.

"We don't. Usually. There are exceptions. Like being in an unprotected, enclosed space with a Harmon witch. Many wouldn't dare."

"Sam would," I say, swallowing as I remember the events at the Summit. "I saw what he did to Amara. He would have no problem with killing me."

"He does have a problem with killing you though." She slides down the wall to the ground, resting her hands above her knees. "You're a conflict to his conscience. You'd be dead if not, you can believe that much."

"Where is he?"

Sophia takes a deep breath and glances down to her fingers, feeling comfortable enough alone with me to do so. "He's. . . in a meeting. With the others. He's trying to explain the situation in a way that won't have that door burst open in a matter of minutes."

I look at the door over her head and I tremble a little.

"If it happens, I'll protect you the best I can," she says. "It's why I'm sitting in front of it."

"I thought you were sitting in front of it to block me from getting out."

"Well, that too. But they are a tad bit more unpredictable than you, trust me. You have to understand; this is a first for us. This is a first for history. Even if Sam can get the entire unit on side and somehow they can form an alliance with you, that's just the beginning. If word gets out that Sam is harboring a witch, then Slayers from all over the world will come here with the intent to start a war. With us. This is an impossible situation."

"It shouldn't have to be this way," I say. "We all have one enemy in common. And she is out there right now trying to figure out a way to kill me and then kill all of you. I don't care about the bad blood between wiccans and Slayers, I don't care about the wars and the petty rivalry, I care about the future of the human race and protecting them against Amara."

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