Chapter 46

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It's been over an hour since Sam left and I used the time to gather myself in the shower. When I enter my bedroom, I see his shirt tucked underneath the bed. I lift it up and I fold it, placing it carefully in a drawer.

I shake my head and I begin getting ready for the day. I pick out my thin, red sweater and some comfortable blue jeans. Then I change them for black. I sit at my desk and I glance at my reflection. I haven't worn make-up in months but I need to make a good impression. I add some mascara and I bury the bags under my eyes with concealer. I clean my face with moisturiser but just as I'm about to work on my wet hair, the front door bangs.

I take a deep breath, more like a long sigh, and I walk slowly through the house to the front door. I open the door cautiously, even though I already know who it is.

"Good morning," Joey says.

"Hey," I say. I flick my eyes to an extremely tall, blonde witch and her dark-haired, muscled friend. "You brought company."

"We called round last night, but you didn't answer," the witch says.

"I was tired," I say.

"My name is Erin. This is Max. We were Amara's advisors."

"And your new council," Max says, grinning. "Can we come in?"

"I guess so."

Joey lifts an eyebrow and walks straight in, but the others linger behind a second, their eyes darting to the high ceiling.

"What a lovely. . . house you have," Erin mutters. "Always lived here?"

"Yes," I say. I lead them into the lounge and I take a seat in the armchair next to the window, while they hover in the doorway, scanning around the area carefully. "It's a house, not an igloo."

"Forgive us," Erin says, turning her head in all sorts of directions. "We are used to working in bigger quarters."

"Much bigger quarters," Max says.

"Sit down," I say, pointing my eyes to the long, leather sofa. They glance at each other and then take a seat, while Joey stands at the wall with his arms crossed. He's enjoying this, and I don't know why.

They sit down slowly, shuffling their backsides into the leather until they're something that resembles comfortable.

"The council wanted you to meet with us before your ceremony tonight," Erin says. "To give you an insight into the life of an Elder and what is required of you."

"I'm sorry," I say. "What coven did you say you were from?"

"I didn't." She smiles. "I'm from the Brently coven."

"Westwood," Max says.

I glance at Joey and he shrugs.

"I've never heard of those covens," I say.

"We're originally from Nevada," Erin says. "But we expanded to Arizona a few years ago. Very talented, I assure you. We've been taught by the best. Most of our childhood consisted of training and preparing for a chance to be at the main house."

"And we have advised the most powerful Elder to have ever lived," Max says. "We know a thing or two about magic."

"I'm not doubting your skills," I say. "But I am not Amara. And let's be honest, you didn't advise her, you were her personal assistants."

"Rude," Erin mutters.

"I suppose, in a way, we were." Max looks at Erin in doubt and she glares back angrily. "But she listened to us, sometimes."

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