Chapter 29

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"Isn't this, like, going against your blood pact to Sam or something?" I say as I follow behind Sophia and Curtis on the rooftop.

The wind is heavy and I cling to the sides of my jacket as I peer around at the miles of cornfield over the walls of the castle.

"Something like that," Sophia shouts. "He'd have our heads if he knew."

"Which he won't," Curtis assures me. "He's distracted a lot these days."

"Yeah he won't be back until tonight," Sophia says as she walks back over. "Come on, you're sticking to that doorway like glue."

I reluctantly walk out onto the roof. The space is big enough-and isolated enough-to practice, but it still feels wrong. This is the highest I've been in a long time, and the air tastes good. Fresh. Free.

"What am I supposed to do?" I say.

"Take your time," Sophia says.

"Close your eyes, Theresa," Curtis suggests. I close them. "Let it all go."

"There's no anger or negative feelings up here," Sophia says. "This place is special. When we lose focus and we need balance, we come here. It fixes us. It gives us a better perspective of the world and the air."

"Dozens of Slayers have reported that having left here they've felt physically stronger than anywhere else in the castle. Probably because the forcefield is the strongest around this perimeter and-"

Sophia coughs. "It's the air. Nothing supernatural about it. It's been proven to have helped millions of humans."

I grin to myself.

"Well, that's your opinion, but the forcefield definitely contributes."

"Theresa? Do you feel it?"

"Feel what?" I say, opening my eyes. "All I feel is cold."

Curtis laughs. "See? I told you."

Sophia sticks her tongue out while Curtis gently takes my wrist and guides me over to the edge of the wall. I stand there for merely a moment before my body pulsates with ripples of energy. My senses heighten, my mind clears of all negativity and my limbs almost float, as though I've been dosed with heroin.

"Woah, I feel that."

"The forcefield is feeding you strength," Curtis says. "Incredible."

"Curious is the word I would use," Sophia says. "I knew she was immune to our forcefields but that's extreme."

"It's incredible. Here." Curtis lifts my hand over the edge and my fingers graze against a brick wall of shields. As I touch them, lines of blue and green dazzle my eyes. I've never felt so empowered before, so confident and energized.

"You feel that too?" I ask him quietly.

Curtis nods. "Yes, but, because we're Slayers, we always feel it. I can't feel it like you do."

"I didn't have this when I blasted the wall in the garden," I whisper.

"That's because you blasted through it," Curtis chuckles. "If you hadn't, this is what would have greeted you if you tried to walk through it. To be on the other side is a different story. As long as you stay this side of the shield, it has no desire to hurt. Only give."

I remove my hand from the shimmer and I hold it close to me. "I'm afraid I don't think I can show you anything better than what you've just showed me."

"I think you can."

"I guess I feel. . . inspired." I swallow and turn to look at Sophia. She smiles at me. "I'm ready."

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