Chapter 23

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Sam's strategy is to fight them one-by-one. I'd call it foolish, if he wasn't the most incredible fighter I'd ever seen. The swift swipe of his long blade takes more lives than I can count, they're dropping to the floor on his side like flies.

My strategy is to allow the power to possess me once more. I release it like a tornado, swallowing them up into an abyss that spits them out miles down the bridge. My power confuses them, just as it did the warlock. I send a trail of fire towards their cars, they explode on impact, sending anyone in a ten feet radius soaring into the railing of the bridge or over the banks.

More, my mind screams. I need more.

The power is addictive like a shot of heroin. It makes me feel good, too good, and with the crystal around my throat, I am immune to their spells. I am immune to everything. I clock eyes with Vee who is standing at the fallen bodies of his injured coven. Most of them are still alive and are crawling to get to safety, but the power overrides my relief of that.

"What are you?" Vee says.

His question startles me, but his expression startles me more. It makes me hesitate, and hesitation is dangerous. Someone runs at me from the side, tackling me to the ground. The red-haired witch sits astride my waist and starts punching me, over and over again. She sticks her elbow into my collarbone and starts choking me. I pull at her hair, trying to weaken her in any way I can, but she allows me to rip a chunk of it out rather than let go. She punches me again, but I don't fall unconscious. She starts to choke me again, her eyes red with a darkness that consumes her. I radiate heat in my fingertips, willing fire from them, and I touch her face. This time, she screams. As her hands drop from my throat, I punch her. When the witch rolls off of me, another witch comes charging at me with a potion in her hand. She throws it, but I intercept it, blowing it up in the air. The explosion is bright and I cover my eyes for a second, turning back to the red-head.

The red-head crawls over for round two. I kick her in the face, then the stomach, but it's like she's trained for this. She grabs my legs and pulls my body along the ground, then she unearths a carving knife and hovers it over my heart. I stop her, using all of my strength to hold against hers. I grit my teeth as the knife pierces against the skin of my chest, I'm losing, she's strong. Too strong.

"Say hello to your coven for me," she says.

"Say it to your own, bitch." The redhead looks up, and is greeted with the blunt force of a boot smacking into her face. I watch her hit the pavement next to me, her eyes forced closed. I sit up to see the smiling face of a proud and smug Sophia. "You good?"

"I think so," I say, taking her hand. She pulls me to my feet and I take a moment to observe the other slayers as they throw themselves into battle on the other side of the bridge. Sam's side. I haven't seen him since we parted, I don't even know if he's still alive.

"There's more coming," Sophia says. "Dozens more. Did you do all of this?" She glances around at the small fires, high destruction and fleeing wiccans that are dragging their bodies towards the bank. "I can't believe Sam brought you along to an ambush. What was he thinking! If it wasn't for Megan coming to warn us then you'd be dead right now. I am going to be having serious words with-"

"Sophia," I say, harshly. "Not now."

"Fine," she says. "I'm under orders to get you back to the castle, so you're coming with me."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You really want to be out there in battle with the unit?" she demands. "They won't work with you, they'll sacrifice you the first moment they get. They're too stubborn to walk away from this! It's our-"

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