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(A/N Pic Of Katrina)

I wake up and look outside to find the sun is just starting to make it's way into the sky. That means that I probably still have an hour to get ready and walk to school. YES! I grin, "I'm not late!" I mutter to myself. I grab a notebook from the table and go into the bathroom.

After finishing my shower, making sure to conserve water, I walk outside with $20 in my pocket, the notebook, and the locket on my chest.


I look up at the old school building and make my way up the front steps. I'm terrified. I have nothing, while everyone else has backpacks and phones out.

"Guys! There's a Charmander in front of Mr. Joel's classroom!" One boy yelled, and a mob of people followed him. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused, before continuing to explore the outdoor part of the school.

I feel accomplished when I find a large building with steps leading up to it. Good job Perri, you didn't need to ask for directions and look stupid!

When I reach the very top of the steps, I wrench open the door and walk inside. Suddenly every face is staring at mine. I look down at my very interesting shoes, and try to avoid the looks people were giving me. Maybe it was the holes in the sneakers, the lack of backpack, or old clothing, but people started to realize that I was from the orphanage. I heard mutters and snickers from all around.

It was then that I realized I didn't know where the principle's office was. I looked around at all of the people again and found one who didn't look disgusted that I was here.


I stare into her abused eyes, and see tears flowing out of them. I slowly make my way towards her. Katrina was my friend from the orphanage and left last year. I usually didn't make friends with anyone as a little kid in the orphanage but she was the exception. I didn't care that she would leave the orphanage. She took care of me. Always.

I finally pull my arms around her and into a big hug. "You are sixteen" she mumbled quietly, and I could tell she was happy we had reunited. I look down at her attire and gasp. She was wearing a floral dress with black flats and had a small brown backpack slung over her shoulder. She got money. "How.." I stumbled.

Katrina smiled, "I got a lot of jobs over summer and throughout the year." she replied, and did a fashion pose. I giggled lightly, but still looked in awe. She was beautiful, and I hadn't noticed before. Probably because of the rags we were forced to wear and the lack of sunlight. Maybe I would become more attractive in this new world too.

I instantly remembered where I needed to go "Where's the principle's office?" I ask slightly embarrassed.
Katrina cracks a smile and leads the way.


I walk out of the principle's office with my schedule in hand, reading out the classes I had.

Geometry 2

I got French? Yes! I know French. It was one of the only books at the orphanage. French For Dummies. I've got to get an A in that class.


After I almost die during Track, the lunch bell rings. It is the most amazing sound I've ever heard in my life.

Well, maybe the lady at the orphanage telling me she was 'done with me' after she was done beating me made me happier. But I refuse to think of it.

I head to the school cafeteria and order the cheapest thing on the menu. It's small, but will do. Once I get out of line though, I feel completely alien. Where to sit in a big room of people I don't know...

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