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When we got inside, I was met with the smell of junk food and popcorn. The TV room.

It was big for just the two of us, but I sat down and grabbed a remote, trying to work out the buttons.

The circle on top was probably the on switch. There got it.

"What kinds of movies do you like?" he asked me. I liked those good versus evil books where you know who's going to win in the end. But this always comes with the sadness of one part in the book. That's what I related to at the orphanage.

"Action." I say, sprawling out on the couch. I wouldn't tell him too much about my opinions. I don't need to tell him another story to make him pity me. I can't do that.

He puts in a movie labeled Avengers, and I instantly know it's what I'm looking for.

"Make some room for me!" he pouts, before I move over. Then the movie begins.


I open my eyes and look over next to me, to find Mark passed out as well. I fell asleep on top of him. Oh god. Oh god.


I sat up and tried to wake Mark up, who was a deep sleeper. When he did wake up he looked at me and frowned. I cocked my head in confusion. Where was this going....


I was standing at the edge of the forest, waiting for Mark to come back. When he did I was completely unprepared.

I remembered how he came to save me when the other wolf attacked. I remembered how I looked at him with fear and he returned it with reassurance. I remember how his eyes were so familiar. Soon my eyes were tearing up. I ran up to him and hugged his neck. I didn't let myself cry, but he could tell that I was about to. When I was finally done hugging his wolf's brown fur, he motioned for me to jump on.

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking at his back. He nodded, and I slipped on. I held on for my life as he began to fly through the trees. I grinned, and let out a sigh. It was all too beautiful. So surreal. My life would never be normal again.

I cried. Not sad tears, but happy ones. I was in the place I wanted to be right now. And forever.

When Mark stopped running I climbed down and sprawled on the grass. He came back awhile later completely dressed.

Then he walked up to me and kissed me again.

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