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(The truth comes out)

Then he walked up to me and kissed me again. 

"Mark?" I asked lightly as we pulled out of the embrace.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking me in the eye and sensing my worry. I took a deep breath. 

"Who attacked me?" I asked quietly, but he heard me. I looked at him with dark black eyes, I don't even know how I do that. I was afraid of the answer. He seemed startled by my question and eyes.

"A rogue." he answered... I rogue? What's a rogue, like a loner? A werewolf not in a pack?? I'm curious over here!

"What's a-" I start, but am interrupted by Mark. 

"A wolf without a pack. They are ruthless murderers."  He informs me.

"But why were they coming after me?" I ask. 

He sighed and stared at the ground, like he was keeping a secret from me. 

"Why?" I asked, staring him down. 

"Cause your not exactly human..." he starts, but I'm already yelling.

"How, could you, know, not, tell me..." I mutter random words, but the real question that is circling in my head is. 


"Your an immortal." he finishes.

What in the world is an immortal...

My eyes turn a dark blue and I stare at Mark, confusion on my face.

"Immortals are very rare and powerful. They are a big threat to all supernatural beings." He started. I didn't like the sound of that. I was a threat? To him? 

I felt like crying, but my eyes couldn't let that happen. I just continued to stare at him.

"The rogues wanted to kill you so you wouldn't be a threat." he finished, but that much I had already guessed. I was very scared, and took a step back. 

"How can they kill me?" I ask, almost not wanting to hear the answer. I was scared that he was going to say something bad. 

"Only with magic." 

I just gawk at his words. 

"Other than that you can never die. Not until you agree to grow old and sacrifice yourself. You have an electric force field that you can activate whenever you want. And most of all, you can kill someone with a blink of the eye."

I was about ready to faint. 

If what he said was true, and I was a powerful, immortal, murderer. Then those rogues should kill me. 

"But I don't know how to do any of that." I say, slightly disappointed. 

Mark just chuckled, "In time."

Alone (Werewolf Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ