28- Annabelle

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"Who told you?"


My heart sank in my chest. My last piece of sanity, my only ties to reality, were gone. I felt as if the ground beneath me shattered, and I was no longer on planet Earth, with iPhones and Starbucks, but in a new world, completely filled to the brim with the supernatural. Everyone I've ever known is tied to it, and I didn't know. First Katrina, and now Melissa. The one friend I had who never asked me about myself or prodded too much.

"She's a vampire?" I croaked out, in denial. Mark could see how spaced out I was, and tried to make me feel better.

"One of the good ones." he reassured me. Well, obviously I knew she wasn't evil, cause she never tried to kill me.

"Never thought I'd hear a werewolf say that." I replied, trying to lighten the mood. Mark hsmirked.

"Alright then. One of the okay ones. She wanted to save your life more than she wanted to end it." he explained.

"Oh." I replied, slipping back into a room of thoughts. I was still really confused, and after I finished bandaging Mark up, I left the room, determind not to think about Melissa and find Annabelle to see if Dylan was alright. I found them in the same spot, except it seemed as though Dylan was awake.

Annabelle looked up at me and grinned, huge and proud. Her eyes sparkled again and I felt relieved and pure, glad to see that I hadn't completely ruined her positivity.

"He's going to be fine! I guess werewolves heal really fast." she exclaimed, looking down at Dylan.

"I already told you we do Annabelle." he replied, sounding like he was in a lot of pain.

And then, at that moment, for some reason I realized what I had done, seemingly unknowingly. I had pitied Annabelle. I pitied her for what happened to Dylan. That was why she was angry at me when I tried to console her. It's because she knew, more than I did myself, what I was feeling.

"Periwinkle?" I heard Belle ask. I looked up at her. aware that I had spaced out.

My eyes filled up with tears. "I'm sorry Belle, I broke the promise."

Annabelle frowned "It's okay."

"No, it's not" I tried to close off again. It didn't work.

Annabelle gave me a strange look. "Sometimes, it's impossible to control your emotions Perri. You always try. I see you. Whenever something horrible happens you try to close it off. You try to change what your feeling. But truth is Perri, your not heartless. You can't just decide not to feel pity. It was wrong of me to ask of that."

And now I was full on crying. "You were so young..." I croaked out.

I think around this time Dylan was getting really confused but we were having a moment so he can go do whatever.

"Periwinkle. You always said it didn't sound like a name. But it does. It's sounds like your name. You will never just be Perri to me just like I will never just be Belle. We always try to simplify ourselves. But inside there's a jumble of emotions that we haven't begun to understand, not close to control. So stop trying Periwinkle." She said louder. She almost seemed angry.

I looked at her. How could she be just 14 years old. How could she know so much. How could she be so much already. "Annabelle." I started, trying to stop the tears.

"Yeah?" she replied, looking at me curious.

"Why are you always so happy?"

"Cause I know what it's like to be really sad."

Alone (Werewolf Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora