Babysitting for Dummies

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Jolted awake when a heaviness came down on his stomach, Henry shot up with a groan and opened his eyes. When his tired vision cleared, he was met by the bubbly smile of the most active two year old in the world. The little boy had fair skin and bleach blonde hair far too curly for his own good, sage green eyes, and pudgy freckled cheeks. His name was Ozzy, and ultimately, he was one of the cutest headaches anyone could ask for.

Before Henry could fuss about the rude awakening, Ozzy stood, his tiny feet nearly crushed the twenty-one-year-olds groin. "Papas, say up!" he giggled, "Time for up, Henny!"

Rubbing his eyes, Henry cupped his hands under the two-year-old's arms and placed him off to the side of the bed. He rolled over then, burying his face in the comfortable cotton stuffed cloud of his pillow. But it wasn't long until he could feel Ozzy climb back onto the bed, sitting up on his back. "Henny!" the little boy bustled, "Papas, say up, up, up!"

Knowing full well Ozzy wouldn't allow him the five extra minutes he'd love to have, Henry sat up, the little boy happily rolling off his back. "Alright, I'm up," he yawned, "What do your dads want?"

Ozzy tugged at Henry's hand, "Come down," he said. "Talk!"

When he stood out of his full-sized bed finally, Henry walked over to the tall dresser beside his personal bathroom. After pulling on a pair of sweats over his boxers, he grimaced at his reflection in the tall mirror propped against the wall. His hair had grown a good bit since his teen years, now at a length just touching the tops of his stiff shoulders, and every morning his bedhead never failed to look like a ruined masterpiece. Then again, that sure as hell didn't take away from the attractive guy he matured into. Henry wasn't too conceited of a guy, he liked to think, but he sure as hell couldn't understand why the hell he still wasn't in a relationship. Then again...again...he could. When you spend more time studying at an engineering university and watching anime in between what free time he was probably hard to pick up anyone.

Putting the black wild waves of his hair up into the bun it'd fit into, Henry threw on a plain grey t-shirt as well and headed out of the bedroom. Little Ozzy led the way, hopping energetically along down the brightly lit hallway until they were at the stairs. With how quiet it was, save for the morning cartoons on in the playroom, everyone else was still asleep. Henry held Ozzy's hand as they trekked down the stairs, and once at the bottom, the little boy scampered around the bend into the dining room, his bouncy bleach blond curls bouncing along with every step.

When Henry turned into the room as well, Marbell was sitting at the table looking over a stack of papers. He was dressed in black slacks and a dark blue button down, medium brown hair neatly styled with a part down the middle and tucked behind his ears, black rimmed glasses at the tip of his nose. Even though he was thirty years old, Henry always wondered why the man never seemed to gain a hint of masculinity. He was pretty much still the same size he was five years ago.

Ozzy hurried to his father and patted his hand softly on the man's knee to get his attention, "Papa," he said sweetly, "I get Henny."

Marbell met the sage green eyes of his youngest, setting aside the papers in his hands, "Thank you, Ozzy."

With that, the little boy lifted himself onto the man's lap and sat down, as if ready to listen in on the conversation about to take place.

"What's up?" Henry stretched, the stiffness in his arms going away.

Resting his chin on Ozzy's head, Marbell said, "London and I wanted to ask you a humongous favor."

Henry took a step back, "Oh, god. What is it?"

Marbell smirked at the nervous concern, "I know you had plans today."

"Oh, no..."

"But London and I would really appreciate it if-."

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