The Gig Pt7

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It was the last day the Matthews would be staying in the UK, and that meant it was also New Year's Eve. When London awoke that morning, he felt a heaviness upon him, and when he looked down, Marbell was sprawled across him as though he were the mattress. The tattooed man smiled, running his fingers softly down the older man's back. He touched at the lace halter bra Marbell was still wearing and smiled to himself. Last night had been more than wonderful, something both of them definitely needed given everything that'd gone on before. He still regretted the way he'd screamed at his husband, hated the farce they'd had to put on for the world, but today...London didn't want any of that to follow them. Heading into the new year – well, he would be sure anyone watching would only ever see the real him.

Not only was today New Year's Eve, but it was also the day of the interview he was supposed to sit down and have with Symone. It was going to be airing on a late night program at some point, and was to be filmed early in the morning. Afterwards, tonight was going to be the party Symone had invited him to, but since Marbell was likely going along with Rolland, London guessed staying home with the kids was the best idea. There'd be no one else to watch his babies, and he sure as hell wasn't going to leave them with a stranger. He was sure one of Rolland's assistants wouldn't mind babysitting, but...nah.

Softly moving Marbell off of him, London got up and stepped into the shower. It was currently 8:00am, and according to his schedule, he was going to be picked up at 10:00am and taken to the studio for filming. He washed away the night before and was joined beneath the hot water a moment later by Marbell. They said their good mornings, kissed, and resisted the urge to fuck one more time. "My legs are tingling," the older man said, "I keep feeling like they'll give out at any second."

London finished rinsing the shampoo and conditioner from his hair and kissed his husband's lips. "Good thing you can relax for a while."

When they were finished and clean from the amount of sex they'd had the night before, London went ahead and got dressed in black jeans, and then a white cotton shirt with the image of a woman's bare back on it. Tying down his shoes, he let his fringe dry and pushed it out of his face, and...of course...he put on his wedding ring.

Crossing the corridor towards the twin's room, he walked in on Layla and Naomi just waking up. The two five-year-olds got out of bed with the messiest of hair, walking passed their father as though he weren't even there. "Bath, Papa," Naomi said, and he furrowed his brow at them as they headed to the upstairs bathroom.


Going with them anyways, London ran a bath for his girls, filling the tub only a third of the way with water, soap, and their toys. Before they could play, he took care of their twisty hair first and cleaned them up. "Are you going somewhere again, Papa?" Layla asked, closing her eyes as London rinsed her conditioner. "When are we going home? I miss Joy and Uncle Henry."

Knelt there at the edge of the white tub, London dried off his hands when he finished with his daughter's hair. "Papa's gotta handle some business for a little bit today, and then we'll watch fireworks tonight, and then tomorrow, we'll all go home to see Joyce and Henry again."

"You think they miss us, too?" Layla wondered.

"I'm sure they do," London kissed their foreheads and left the bathroom, leaving the door open all the way and went to Ozzy's room. The little boy wasn't in there anymore, having instead went into the master bedroom with Marbell. He was jumping around already in his spaceship underwear, blond curls bouncing all about as the older man tore off the sheets of the bed. "Oz," London called, "come brush your teeth."

The three-year-old stopped jumping and grimaced to the idea of brushing his teeth. He hated mint and the bubble gum flavor paste they opted for also wasn't to his liking. Either way...he needed to brush his teeth, and no argument would get him around it. After the boy was finished and London got the girls out of the tub and dressed them, last but not least, Benjamin came out of his bedroom on his own. He brushed his own teeth without fuss, combed his hair, and got dressed as well.

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