Jealous Lover Pt2

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Marbell was so excited to be home, he kept dropping his keys when trying to unlock the front door. Fed up with it, he rapped his fist against the wooden surface, rapidly pounding away until it was unlocked and flung open. He was greeted by London's furious turned worried expression. Before the tattooed man could speak, Marbell rushed him with a kiss, wrapping his arms around the top of his lover's neck. His feet no longer touched the floor after a second, London having lifted him up as their kiss deepened in the threshold of their home. After such a nice day at work, he'd needed more than ever to see his husband. "Mmm," he hummed, his feet touching the floor again after London set him down. "You know I fall in love with you all over again every time we kiss? God, I love you so much."

London couldn't help but blush. He fixed the crooked tilt of Marbell's glasses, unable to stop himself from smiling so big. "Today put you in an even better mood, huh? What did Rolland have to say about the deal?"

Lugging his briefcase into the house, Marbell moved down the passageway towards the backstairs. "He was so happy when I told him how everything went. Said he'd video chat me later tonight. How was your day?"

Following Marbell upstairs, London said, "You know, the usual. Oh, but I did run into someone at the store." They entered their bedroom, and he took a seat at the foot of their bed, able to hear all the kids playing in the game room next door.

Marbell began to unbutton his shirt and trousers, trading them out for a comfortable sweater and a pair of shorts that stopped mid-thigh. "Really, was it Mrs. Campbell? She's been calling me lately about taking the kids over to her granddaughter's birthday party. I've been forgetting to tell you. It' weekend? Crap, I'll have to ask her again, I feel horrible because I kept forgetting last week."

London loved how involved with the kids Mrs. Campbell always wanted to be. He loved the woman like a mother of his own, and she loved the kids just as much. In fact, she was practically their grandmother. London also liked that Mrs. Campbell wanted to be in the kid's lives, not only because she'd been a pleasant helping hand to him during his childhood, but Mrs. Campbell was a smart, loving, and headstrong woman, and London wanted someone like that to rub off on his babies. "I'll make sure to put that down on the calendar, then, but it wasn't Mrs. Campbell I ran into, it was someone I used to know when I was a teenager."

Taking off his glasses for a second, Marbell cleaned them against his shirt, "An old friend?"

"Yeah, his name was Wesley. I used to room with his cousin back at that university. I hope you don't mind that I gave him my number. Thought maybe we'd hang out sometime."

Marbell put his glasses back on, "Why are you telling me this like you need my permission? You're my husband, but you can do what you want. Unless this guy is competition for me..."

London laughed at the playful serious look in Marbell's eyes, "You won't have to worry about a thing." He sniffed the air when the delicious aroma of the dinner he was preparing seemed a little overdone.

As a family, minus Henry for him being gone at the moment, London, Marbell, and the kids ate at the dining table downstairs, the atmosphere filled with conversation about Benjamin's excitement for school, Joyce's daily updates on how her manga reading was going, Layla and Naomi's chatter about how much they loved the way London was doing their hair, and Ozzy's refusal to eat his carrots. The little bug never ate them until it was promised that Marbell would play kitchen and dress up with him later on.

After washing the dishes with Joyce's help, London was sat in the living room, Layla and Naomi coloring in a black outlined tattoo on his lower right leg with magic markers. When his cell phone called out on the coffee table, Layla handed it to her father and went back to coloring. Given it was a number he didn't recognize, London assumed it was Wesley and answered right away. "Wes?"

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