The new guy in the office

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The new guy in the office

New guy!Ace x Boss!Reader


(Y/N) pov
*knock knock knock*
I snort & quickly tidied myself up, making sure that I don't look like I've been sleeping on the job.

"Uhm *cough* enter."

My boss, Edward Newgate, walked into my office, the usual grin on his face.

"Ah hello Old man, whats up?"I asked
"(Y/N), I trust you a lot, you've done a lot for me, and I can't thank you enough."Old man says
"Oh its no problem Old man! Just doing my job!"I say with a grin.
He laughed."I just have one job for you to do for me."
"Alright, what is it?"I asked
"We have a new lad coming to work with us. And I would like it if you could show him around."
"Oh sounds easy enough. When is he coming?"I asked
"He's here now, he's just in my office. Come on over when you're ready."

Old man left my office.

I sighed.

'Looks like we got another one coming to our ranks.'

I grabbed a mint & popped it into my mouth, gathering my things up & tidying up my (H/L) (H/C), I walked over to the Old mans office.
Knocking on the door, I heard the Old man bellow a "Come in."

"Ah here she is! (Y/N) this is Mr Portgas D Ace, he's going to be working with you. And Ace, this is Miss (L/N) (F/N), she's your boss from now on."

I saw the guy that's going to be working under me & smiled at him. He was quite good looking. He had messy black hair, chocolate brown eyes & childish freckles dusting his cheeks. He looked up at me & smiled.

"Nice to meet you (L/N)-sama."He says as he stands up
"Really its my pleasure to be working with you Portgas-san, and please, call me (Y/N). Follow me, I'll show you around."I say

With one final bow to the Old man, we walked out of the office & began the tour around the floor.

"I'm haply to know that you've come to join our ranks Portgas-san."I say
He laughed."Really, I'm happy that I've joined."
"Well thats great news. I hope that you'll like it here."

'My god his laugh is so handsome-wait what am I thinking? He's my work colleague, I shouldn't think of him in that way.'

I lead him everywhere, from the bathrooms, photocopying room, filing room, the offices for employees, the offices for the higher ups (where I am) & finally, I lead him to the cafeteria.

"So this is the cafeteria-"

Something came flying at me, but I was tackled to the ground by Ace. I gasped when I hit the ground, my eyes widening when I saw Ace's bright brown eyes.

Ace pov
I stared into (Y/N) bright (E/C) eyes, making me lost in her eyes. (Y/N) was so pretty, but I couldn't think of my boss like that, she's in the higher ups after all, our relationship has gotta remain professional.

'Thats what they all say..!'My mind sang

"A-are you okay Miss (Y/N)?"I ask
"O-oh yes. Thanks for saving me, Ace. But did you have to tackle me to the ground?"She teased
I grin."Well I wouldn't want something pretty to be damaged by a mere cup of coffee."
She blushed."R-right, thanks anyway."

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