My little black kitten

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My little black kitten

Neko!Ace x Reader

I'm excited for this wun ^^!


(Y/N) pov
Marco put the box down in front of me.

"I figured that you'd want this for your birthday, yoi."Marco says

I opened up the box & gasped as soon as I saw what was inside. Inside the little box was a small black kitten that had the most cutest of ears. Its fur looked so nice & soft to the touch.

"Awww you guys! You didn't have to!"I say happily as I picked the kitty up
"Well we had to. You're our princess after all."Thatch says
"Well I wouldn't say princess, more like sister. But anyway, this little guy is all yours, yoi!"Marco says

I cuddled the little kitty into my arms, he started to purr as I pet the little guy.

"Awwww! He's so cute & cuddly!"I coo
"Are you gonna name him?"Thatch asked
"Hmmmm......I think I might name him.....Ace!"I say

After cake & stuff, I picked Ace up from the dining table, his little kitty paws holding onto some food. I giggled & took the food away from him. Scooping him up into my arms, I started to take Ace over to my room to where he's staying.

"And now Ace...this is our room! Hopefully I'll take you shopping & I'll buy you some kitty stuff!"I say

Ace meowed happily in response & cuddled into me more.

"Awww~! I love you too!"

*Timeskip at island*
(Y/N) pov
At first I wasn't so sure about taking Ace with me to the pet store, but then I thought:'Why not? It's not like he's gonna cause any trouble now will he?'

How wrong was I.

As soon as we both entered the store, Ace started going after all the other pets in there, as in he was fighting them all. I ended up putting him in my purse, luckily he was big enough to fit in there.

I left the store with a cat bed, those scratchy cat things thats like a playground, a meat plushie, kitten food, food bowls & his toilet thingy.

"Jesus christ Ace, you practically fought every animal in that pet store!"I scold
He kitty pouted.
"Now don't give me that look, you may be irresistibly cute, but you can't just fight all animals."I sigh

As I walked on, I started to feel like I was being followed, then again, I was walking down a alley. I should be fine, I know how to fight.

"Lady! Give me your stuff! Wallet & jewelry!"

I narrowed my eyes.

'Am I seriously getting robbed on my birthday?'

"And what would you do if I don't comply to your measly orders?"I say with sass
"I'll kill you!"The thug threatened
I smirk."As if you've killed before. That threat is empty, I can tell that you're nervous about killing. You're visibly shaking & I can hear your obnoxiously loud breathing from where I stand."I observe
"S-shut up bitch! Just give me your money!"He yelled
"Or what will you do? Hurt me? Kill me? Please, save yourself the trouble. You don't know who you are messing with."I sigh

I chucked him a small little pouch that was my old wallet.

"Th-that's it?! You're not gonna cry or scream?!?"
"Why would I? Weak minded people would be dumb enough to start begging for mercy. I on the other hand can see through you. I'm guessing you don't know who I am. I am (Y/N), the observer. I can see everything & anything. And right now, I have to get back to my ship & feed my kitten, good bye now."I say cooly

I started to walk away, but I heard running that approached me from behind. Spinning on my heel, I opened up my bag & Ace sprang put & started scratching, biting & kitty attacked the thug.

But what I didn't know, was that Ace was a fire kitty.

"Ahhhhh!!!! I'm on fire!!!!"

After Ace was done, he casually walked back & started to rub his face against my leg, purring as he did so. Picking him up, I kissed his head.

"Come on now Ace! Lets go & see Pops!"

We walked out, I pulled out my other wallet that was filled with berris & smirk

'Thank god I'm an actress. I don't even have that title! I'm just the cook on the Moby Dick that knows how to fight. Good thing I gave that guy my wallet filled with rocks. I should do that wallet trick more often.'

(A/N:I had some words to kill so I put them there, anyway, on with the story!)

*months later*
My eyes widened as I saw a naked guy sitting on Ace's cat bed.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!"I screamed

The guy looked at me & I blushed, not because he was naked, but because he had the most innocent eyes, along with the cutest of freckles.

"Don't you recognize me, (Y/N) nya~?"He asked innocently
I shook my head."I've never ever seen you in my life! And could you please but some goddamn clothes on?!"
He grinned."It's me! Ace! Your kitty kat! Nya~!"

(A/N:*takes a step back* ryt i need a black kitten now. And i is gonna name it Ace)

He had a wide smile, it was so cute!
Grinning, I tackle hugged him."Oh it is you!!! Awwww my little kitty kat~! What happened?"
"Well I've always been human, (Y/N)-chan. It's just I sort of insulted a crazy cat lady & got turned into an adorable little kitten. But thankfully I have met you! (Y/N)-chan! Nya~!"He explained

Most of the time, I was cuddling with my kitten-I mean Ace. Yeah he's a human now, but to me he'll always be my cute little kitten!

(A/N:Soz that it ended like that, I just got home from the plane ride & I'm knackered as hell. At the airport I looked like a friggin' zombie! Hope that you enjoyed it!)

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