04 | Silent Guardian

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"Uh oh, where can I go?
Everybody's watching me.
I go through all the trouble of keeping it within my walls;
I try to be as subtle as I can."

WHEN WE ENTERED the dining hall , I noticed that the Royals were already there at the Centre Table, eating silently while students around them openly gawked and whispered to one another. Just looking at the students staring at them was enough to send goose bumps across my skin, and I even felt a little bad for them and their lack of privacy. Asher Dane, who sat stiffly at the head of the table, looked up at us enter, his eyes narrowing infinitesimally. I could hear Emily take in a sharp breath before ducking her head and walking straight to the end of the dining hall where it was less crowded.

Emily and I had only begun eating for less than five minutes after I finished interrogating her about Asher when the doors of the dining hall slammed open. Bianca Harding and her two friends strolled inside, their heels clacking loudly as if applauding their every step. The entire hall quietened down, and I immediately noticed how the students around us gave Emily and me weary glances and whispered to each other.

To our confusion, the three girls marched right up to our table, staring down at us with disapproving glares. Bianca, who stood in the middle, glared furiously at us, her tiny hands clenched so tightly that they were trembling. Adia and Marissa didn't look extremely thrilled to see us either, each of them wearing a sinister scowl. I glanced around me, noticing how everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats, watching our exchange intently.

"Who do you think you are?" Adia hissed, stepping forward and towering over me. I was already at a height disadvantage since I was sitting down, and it certainly didn't help that Adia was extremely tall.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled in confusion, frowning slightly. Marissa rolled her eyes, and unlike her friends, looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"I told you to stay away from them," Bianca seethed, shoving her phone in my face. On the digital screen was a shaky picture of Logan Marshall and me standing outside my dorm, on the first night I was at Meilleur.

"He offered to help me find my dorm room. I got lost," I sighed, swatting her phone away. Bianca narrowed her eyes at me.

"Stay away from them. Or you'll have to answer to—"

"Answer to what, Bianca?"

Hushed and excited whispers were heard throughout the canteen, which was no surprise because the Royals hardly spoke to the general student population unless they absolutely needed to. The five of us girls looked up in surprise at Asher, who had abandoned his seat at the Centre Table and was currently walking towards our table. Glancing back at the Centre table, the remaining Royals barely cast a glance in our direction before continuing their meal.

"A-Asher!" Adia stuttered, looking star-struck.

"We were just telling them the rules," Bianca explained, and I felt Emily stiffen beside me as Bianca shot Asher an innocent, flirty look.

"Well, you're disturbing us," Asher stated, glancing back at his table. Bianca pursed her lips, letting out a scoff of disbelief. Adia and Marissa had the decency to look at least slightly embarrassed. Bianca jutted her chin out, glaring straight at Emily and me.

"If we don't teach them a lesson, no one will," she stated, flipping her perfect curls over her shoulder.

"And what exactly is the lesson that needs to be learned?" Asher asked, raising an eyebrow at the three girls. Bianca swallowed, trying to keep her composure as she shot Asher a smile.

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