08 | Dinner Plans

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"I rest my case,
you are always this late.
And you know how much I hate
waiting around, round, round."

"WE'RE UNDER-DRESSED," I stated, gulping nervously as I took in the sight of the busy restaurant in front of me. The patrons seated at their tables were dressed in fancy evening gowns and tuxedos while the both of us were wearing our Meilleurean attire. Granted, Robin had his uniform tailored to fit and he was sporting expensive-looking Italian dress shoes. He made the uniform look like red-carpet attire, while here I was in a poorly-fitted blouse and scruffy sneakers.

"It's fine. You're with me," Robin said, before surprising me by placing his hand on the small of my back and giving me a small push. "Come on, we don't have all day."

We walked up to the entrance, where there was already a long queue of well-dressed people waiting to enter. Robin simply ignored the line and sauntered straight to the counter.

"Are you lost?" the man behind the counter asked, his thick accent throwing me off-guard.

"I have a reservation for two here," Robin said without hesitance, staring down at the man as if daring him to disobey.

"A reservation here? Sir, this is one of the most respectable establishments in the country. It's nearly impossible to get a reservation here," the man replied snootily. Robin narrowed his eyes and retrieve his phone from his pocket, dialling a number on it. Immediately, he began to speak to the person on the receiver in fluent Japanese.

In less than five minutes, a portly man dressed in a similar suit as the man behind the counter rushed out of the entrance, bowing deeply when he stopped in front of Robin. The tag on his breast pocket told me that he was the manager of the restaurant.

"Good evening, Mister Clair! I apologise for keeping you in wait! We have your table cleared and ready for you. Please, if you would allow me to escort you to your seats," the man said without hesitation, to my surprise.

Robin nodded stiffly, then again, pushed me forward. The man at the counter turned as white as a sheet the minute he realized who Robin Clair was, and frankly looked like he was ready to faint right then and there. He apologised profusely, bowing his head in embarrassment, but Robin paid him no mind as he entered the restaurant.

We followed the manager past the crowded restaurant, navigating our way through the many tables sprawled out across the floor to a quieter, more private part of the restaurant where there were hardly any other tables.

"I didn't know you could speak Japanese," I said in surprise as I shuffled through the restaurant. Robin barely paid me a glance before replying in his usual monotonous voice.

"Yuko is Japanese. I picked it up from him," Robin muttered as we took a seat at our table. A waiter appeared by our side in no time, handing the both of us menus.

I stared at the mix of Japanese words on the menu, wishing again that I had paid more attention in language classes back at the Academy. I glanced up at Robin, who looked like he already knew what he wanted to order and was just waiting for me.

"I can't read the menu," I said awkwardly, biting my lip. Robin raised an eyebrow, before shaking his head with a sigh.

"What's your favourite Japanese dish?" he asked, signalling a waiter over.

"Unagi don," I replied instantly.

"The eel?" he asked, tilting his head. I nodded.

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked when he arrived at the table, clicking his pen on his pad.

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