13 | Bundle of Sunshine

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"There's an alternate meaning behind the words you spoke,
I can hear that now.
Well I know he wants you back but I don't wanna let you go.
Can you feel that?
It's tight enough to choke."

"ARE YOU SURE this is a good idea?" I whispered, stealing a glance at Siobhan. It was our second and last day in London, and while Siobhan and I wanted to go sightseeing more than anything, Emily managed to convince me to stay in the hospital and spend a few hours with the Royals first.

"Of course, it is!" Siobhan insisted, looking slightly offended that I would even question her. She let out an almost sinister laugh as she made the last of the surprise arrangements. "If I'm going to be forced to squeeze into a bland room for hours, I'm going to make it worth my time!"

I sighed, shaking my head. Despite that, I couldn't help the small, excited smile that managed to slip onto my face. Even I was excited for the surprise that Siobhan had planned.

We wasted no time heading to the hospital where the rest of them were already waiting, but not before picking up some breakfast for them. When we entered the room, Asher was still lying in bed with Emily by his side, while Robin slaved away on his computer in the corner of the room and Yuko sat by the windowsill, reading his book. Logan was the only one that paid us any attention when we entered the room, probably because he had gotten a whiff of the freshly-baked croissants in the basket in my hands.

"Oh my god," Logan whispered, unconsciously licking his lips. He rushed over to help us carry it into the room, but not before sneaking a bite of the crispy pastry first. "I loveyou two!"

"You're welcome, Logan," Siobhan snorted, rolling her eyes. I began to hand the food around to the boys who were spaced out around the hospital room before finally coming to a stop next to Asher's bed. I handed a cup of coffee and a croissant to Emily, and Asher held his hand out expectantly only for me to gloat and walk away, leaving him empty-handed.

"None for you," I said, causing him to scowl.

"Why not?" he protested angrily.

"You're sick," I said, shrugging my shoulders. Turning to the rest of the boys who looked rather amused, I asked, "So everyone's going to stay here for the entire day?"

"Yeoaush," Logan chirped, although he was incoherent due to the fact that he had stuffed his face full of croissants. Frowning slightly, he chewed and swallowed before repeating himself, "I meant to say yes."

"We know," Asher muttered from his bed, scowling. He looked enviously at his friends who were eating their croissants happily, and then to the breakfast spread in front of him that had been prepared by his beloved hospital.

"Can't I have one bite?" he practically begged Emily, reaching for her pastry before she swatted his hand away

"You're sick, Ash! If I share food with you, I might catch your bug," Emily said, much to Asher's disappointment. He continued to sulk in his place, occasionally taking a bite of his gooey oatmeal.

"This is stupid," Asher seethed, crossing his arms.

"Serves you right for falling sick," Siobhan teased, sticking her tongue out at him childishly.

When Asher finally simmered down and reluctantly began to eat his breakfast, the hospital room returned back to its state of peace. Everyone was preoccupied with doing their own thing, comfortable with the silence in a room full of people. I had to admit that I wasn't as comfortable as the rest of them with the silence, and awkwardly fidgeted about as I tried to think of something productive to do.

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