Chapter 23

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Josh's P.O.V

Alisha cancelled on our date. I was so looking forward to it. But of course Zack had to take her away. Honestly, I hate that kid at the moment. I mean what's his deal? One minute he hates her, the next minute he's all over her.

I even told him I liked her. Why did I do that? Because I thought we were friends. I mean I'm not in love with her. But I like her...a lot.

I go crazy for her smile and her perfectly aligned, white, teeth. Not to mention her crazy blush she does when she's embarrassed. God, it's the perfect shade of pink on her. Her eyes sparkle when she's happy, which is almost never, and her hair is so gorgeous.

But what I honestly love about her, is that she is perfect. And not perfect as in she has perfect teeth, hair, eyes etc. Even though she does. No. Perfect as in she knows her imperfections and her flaws. Yet she chooses to own it all and not give a damn about what people think about her. I mean she is insecure, but I know deep down she loves herself.

I just want to protect her, if I'm being completely honest here. After I saw her cut herself, twice, and after I saw what she did in her spare time, I saw a whole new side of her. One that was hurting yet strong. I could see the glint of adventure when she was in the ring and that she just wanted to be free.

Then we come back to her past and her parents. I still can't wrap my head around all that. Her sister's death, her uncle, her parents blaming her. It's just all so much. And the fact that Nina left her. That sucks too. If one of my friends left me, I would be real pissed.

"Josh?" I hear Alisha's voice.

I rush out of the living room and see her beautiful face standing at the door.

"Hey, how was your meeting with Zack?" I ask.

"It was great. We actually made up," she says.

What? They made up. By force? Or my want?

"Wait what?" I ask.

"I know, I'm in shock too, but we did," she says.

"H-how?" I ask.

"I don't know if I should tell. Um do you know what happened to Zack's parents?" She says sadly.

"Of course. They died 2 years ago," I say.

Alisha's face drops slightly and her eyes began to water. Oh no. She was going to cry.

"Yeah, well at the end of freshman year, Zack and his parents were gonna pick my up and drop me and Zack at Nina's place for an end of the year party. And on the way to my place they got into a car crash. And Zack blamed me," Alisha says. She choked on a few words and tears began to fall. But she pretended she didn't notice.

"He felt so bad when I went over. He screamed how he was a terrible person for blaming me. But I forgave him. He was only 14 and was confused. I can't hold it against him. We went to the cemetery to pay our respects and then I came here," she says.

She began to cry and I went up to her and hugged her. Her small body cried into my shirt and was shaking. I set her on the couch and just held her.

"It's ok. Everything is gonna be okay," I say to try and calm her down.

"They were like second parents to me. Real parents who loved me," she says.

I nod and stroke her hair. She had finally stopped crying and we just laid there and cuddled.

3 hours later she wad fast asleep..I carried her upstairs and set her down on the bed.

The next morning, we got up and just laid there.

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