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The reason for loving Baekhyun: He's such a fab diva xP

Although I didn't celebrate Christmas, I wish Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrate it! ^^

A special thanks to NaRa97.. Your comments motivate me dear ;)


Chan Neul.

"Chan Neul, don't get out from your room no matter what happen" Kai warned as he sit next to me, on the bed.

"Do you want to be my second dad right now? I get it. I'll stay" I shrugged.

"How could you have 2 fathers.. Should I be your Mom?" Kai joked.

"Lame joke. So you want to tell me you're going to marry D.O appa?" I asked playfully. "Couldn't I?" Kai asked with a playful smile and rested his chin on his palm.

"Then, can I have my baby siblings from both of you? Please.." I asked and Kai shook his head lightly with a smile.

"You're so sick right now. You better recover soon so I could bully you again" Kai chuckled and ruffles my hair.
"Stay, okay. Don't go anywhere" Kai reminds me for the last time and left my room.

I close my eyes and something crossed my mind.
Baekhyun promised me he'll come back here..
I sighed and pouted.
And that thoughts make me couldn't sleep at all.
Baekhyun told me he will go just for awhile but I have waited for him since an hour ago.
Well, I'll just go to Baekhyun's room.

"Don't get out from your room.." Kai's words lingered in my mind.
Nahhhh.. It just Baekhyun's room. What worst thing could happen, right?

I sat up and groaned when I could felt my whole neck numb.
"A-ahh.." I test my voice box and it improves well.
I could talk right now although I still could feel a pinch of pain in my throat.

I stand up and I felt like a goose as my neck stands straight.

My heart jumped when I heard the old, big clock in the living room strikes 12 times.
12 AM.

I twisted the doorknob and noticed it was locked.
Ughhh seriously Kai..
I smirked when I remember I had spare keys on my desk.
I immediately take the keys and unlock the door.

I get out from my room and noticed that no one in the house.

"Appa? Oppa?" I calls for them but no one answers me.
I checked their room but all of the room were empty. I checked the living room where Kris and Tao usually stay up till the next morning but they're not there too. Every part of the house is just empty..

Suddenly, I heard a loud crashed sound outside the door.

"Chan Neul, don't get out from out from your room no matter what happen" Kai words played in my mind again.

My heart beating fast and I started to regret getting out from my room.
But I still want to know what had happen outside the house.
My tremble hands slowly makes its way to the doorknob and I twisted the doorknob.

I push the door and I saw all of them with a group of other guys, in front of me like 5m away. It's dark and I can't see clearly. But I swore I saw Baekhyun had his fangs on another guy's wrist and he was drinking his blood?

My mind stop functioning as I stare at Baekhyun emptily.
And that's when Baekhyun locked his eyes on me and his eyes glowing in red.

"Let's play hide and seek, Park Chan Neul. Once I caught you, you can't run away from me again" Baekhyun said creepily and smirked. My mind still processing every word he said so I just stare at him.
"I'll only give you 3 seconds from now" Baekhyun smirked as the guy Baekhyun drank his blood vanished once Baekhyun throw him off.

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