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Hey guys! The epilogue is out! 🙆
This epilogue is quite short chapter :')
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story 😍
Thank you for everything, we had reached #824 in Fanfiction!

May the last update in Demon's Tale will be blessed 😌


"And that's how it ended" I said and close the book.
Won groaned but clapped his hands in enjoyment.
Ten had given this book to me 6 years ago and it become Won's favorite book until now.

Demon's Tale.

That's what I called the book.

I had read up to him the same book for almost 15 times but he still wanted me to read it, again, again and again.

Won kept bugged me until I read it so I just read it to avoid Won upset.

"What happened to both of them? Did they're finally together for the rest of their life?" Won, my nephew who was about to turns 3 years old within 5 days more asked in curiosity even though he knew my answer.

"Of course. You had asked the same question for 15 times, Won" I said and kissed his forehead.

He grinned in satisfaction before he get off from my lap and ran to his father the moment the door creaks open.

"Dad!" He shouted as he jump onto his father.

"Chill, little man" The Dad said and hugged his son which resembles him more than his Mother.
The Mother looked lovingly towards their interaction and soon hugged the toddler too.

The sight of them make me envy and melts as well.
Oh, how I wished I had a happy family like that.

"You look gorgeous, Chan Neul" Won's Dad, Hansol said to me.

"Thank you, Hansol oppa" I thanked him sincerely.

It had been 7 years since the incident happened.
I had graduated from my high school, earned for a Diploma and Degree.

I ended up becoming a professional journalist.
People said that I write with each step I took.
I don't know if it's true, but I just love writing for the magazine and news.

I became an observant person to my surroundings since those past years and learnt a lot when I saw a couple being in love, fight and cry with the happy tears when they got good news.

That's why people said that I'm quite dangerous, especially the celebrities.
I wrote about everything I saw.

I don't remember anything at the night from 7 years ago and some of my memories from the past.
I just heard from what people said to me.

My name is Park Chan Neul.
I am 19 years old.
I had a brother named Ji Hansol and a friend named Ten from Seoul High School.

That's what they told me almost everyday just to remind me who am I.

I was awake from a comatose state after 26 days being transmitted into ICU and when I open my eyes, I saw Ten.

He supported and helped me a lot to recover my memories and so does Hansol oppa.
Ten had been such a sweet and a gentlemen to me that time.

Seeing Ten made me felt safe and his smile brighten my day.
Ten accepted the fact that I might not remember a lot of things in my past and embrace my weakness.
I'm so lucky to be with him.

I remember meeting Hansol oppa but everything before that came blurry.

And, I did remember Baekhyun.
I did remember the 12 guys who were with me in past.

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