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My eyes watched everyone and every movements in the room.

Chan Neul froze at the spot as if someone threatening her that the chandelier will fall on top of her if she move a bit.

I realized that any of my members were barely here.
That's means I need to do it by myself or maybe with my demon to be exact.

Chan Neul's eyes locked with me. Her eyes shines and didn't reflected with any fears.
She know I can saved her. She have faith in me. But I'm the one who scared if it'll be too late.

I heard the cracking sound coming from the ceiling as the chandelier starts to swings painfully slow and I immediately run to Chan Neul and pushed myself to her.

We both fell down and rolls on the floor as the crystal chandelier smashed into thousands of pieces right beside my head.
I realized that the back of my head had hit some part of the chandelier and that's when my vision starts blurry and my breathe becomes heavier.
My arms never let go of Chan Neul as it tightly attached around her waist. She groaned as she slowly get up from my chest.
Some of the smashed glass pierced on her legs, leaving some cuts.

My eyes catch a glimpse of male demons looking at Chan Neul hungrily. They smelled her blood.

My vision sharpened instantly and I get all my strength to get up. Without any warning, I grabbed Chan Neul's hands and dashed out of the room with Chan Neul.
I know my demon was helping me getting all this strength.

"Baekhyun! We could fight them!" My demon shouted in anger but I didn't stop my legs from running.
"No! I don't want Chan Neul to see me covered with their blood. I don't want my mate to see me killing anyone" I hissed, voicing my opinion.

We made it until we're out of the castle. I heard several heavy and loud steps made by the same 17 male demon.
They're still chasing over Chan Neul, mainly because they're the one who drinks Chan Neul's blood through the so called wine in the party.
My demon growled in anger when he smelled Chan Neul's scent within them.

I grabbed Chan Neul's hand tighter and we started to run into the woods.
Chan Neul tripped and almost fell but I caught her by the time.

She immediately take off her heels and throw it somewhere else then ushered me to start run back.
I noticed that Chan Neul had been silent all the time and she seems calmer than I do.

Before I could say something, we heard one of male demon whispering for Chan Neul's name.

"Chan Neul, our princess" A voice whispers teasingly.
I pulled Chan Neul with me and we run deeper in the woods.

I could heard Chan Neul's whimpers in pain because of the uneven, thorny surfaces of the hard ground.
I stop abruptly letting Chan Neul's face crashed against my back when we reached right in front of the cliff.

The cold breeze hits us and I swear I never felt so cold like this as if the cold breeze pierced to my bones.
I heard the sound of waves crash over big stone down the cliff.

Chan Neul's hands become tremble because she know we had no way out.

"C-can't you t-teleport?" Chan Neul asked.
It had been 27.65 minutes since the last time I heard her voice.

"N-no" I sighed.
"I can't teleport alone in demon world. I need Kai to help" I said.

"Hyung, I had tried to warn you" A pair of eyes glows in bluish flame colour came into my sight.
V get out from the bushes while playing his blades in his left hand.

Then, I saw another sets pair of eyes glows in bluish colour behind the dark, tall trees.
Different from us who had our eyes glowing in ruby red, this group named BTS had their eyes in bluish colour when they had their demon in them.
Something very rare yet beautiful.

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