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"This place is amazing!" Sam screamed running in the next store.

Remind me never to go shopping with these people ever again.


"Skyy! Look at these shoes!" Grace said picking up more heels and throwing them into a bag.

"I hope your paying for this..."

"Oh don't worry, we got everything covered."

I sighed as we went to the cashier, and did you know what Gracie did?

She started flirting with him.


Me and Sam stood there waiting for her to be done, but it never ended.

"Eww oiel à ce emo salope!"

I turned around and saw two blondes, whispering.

And i'm not stupid! I speak french!

"Elle se coupe sans doute, regardez! Elle est tellement laid!"

That's it.

I turned around and said;

"Appelez-moi une salope une fois de plus, et je frapperais ces petits yeux laids à l'arriè de la tête que vous êtes."

Everybody went quiet.

"Ouais, c'est vrai, je parle trop, vous baise française!"

The two girls flinched and ran out of the store.

Grace and Sam started 'Ooing.' and giving each other brofist.

Like they acutally knew what I said.

"Can you two pay for this stuff and hurry up?" I said.

"Okay Mr.Grumpy Pants." Sam said picking up one of her bags.


Sam's POV

I sat quietly at the table drinking my Cola.

"Hey Sam."

I looked up and saw Frank.

"Oh hey Frank."

He sat down next to me.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, just thinking."

"Oh okay."

I'll admit, sitting here with Frank didn't make me fan girl crazy, I liked it.

Then he kissed me on the cheek.

I turned red.

"What was that f-"

Then he kissed me on the lips.

I smiled hard.

I'm best friends with Skylar Iero, second vocalist of My Chemical Romance, and i'm kissing her brother, Frank Iero, who is the rhythm guitarist of the MCR, and my idol.

Did I mention that I love MCR?

He finally stopped and looked at me.

"How did that feel?"

"Frank, you have a wife and-"

"They'll never have to know." He smirked, which sent chills down my spine.

"Can I get one more kiss then?"


We quickly turned our heads.

It was Skylar.

"Hey sis!" Frank said.

"What were you two doing in here, alone?" She asked.

I couldn't take her seriously though, she forgot to take her makeup off before she went to sleep, and she looked like a clown, her eyeliner and eyeshadow made her look like a panda, or something on The Black Parade.

"We were baking you cookies!" Frank said running up and giving her a hug.

"Then why don't I see a pan or some cookie dough?"

"Because we were talking about how we were gonna make it, and surprise you in the morning!"

"You only have to put the dough on the pan and bake it in the oven, i'm not stupid."


"Now what were you two doing?" Skyy crossed her arms.

"We were talking about how we needed to stop at the local corner store to buy some cookie dough." I shrugged.

"Okay, but by the time I get up, you better have me some cookies!" She said grabbing a beer and going back to her bunk.

See? That was easy peasy pumpkin pie.

"Can I still get that kiss?" Frank asked.

I shook my head and went back to Mikey's bunk and got in next to a sleeping Grace.

"Good night Frank and Skylar."



I swear, this chapter made me happy, any who, I started to think I should end this series early, I gotta a lot of oneshots, other storys, and things I wanna write, i'll have to see what i'm gonna do.

Your's truly,


P.S. My french sucks bad. :P

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