chapter 5 - i want to stay in this moment and relive it forever

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the date was really fun and cute, i loved spending time with Louis i felt that i didn't have to try to impress him he loved me for being me, this was different being with him a good different because i actually felt connected to him. As predicted we were the only people in the small resturant so i could concentrate on having a good time and not worry about paparazzi. We were nearly done and it had been a succesful date, we laughed and chatted and i realised i was falling deeper and deeper in love with Louis, i really wanted our relationship to work because i did love him i had decided that during the meal. All this time the love was disguised as friendship. Jasmine got on with Louis aswell so that wouldn't be a problem either.

'Louis this has been such a good date and I think we should start a relationship but keep it private for now,' i said bluntly. i was looking into his green eyes, this had to be done we had feelings for each other since the start of the band we were just too afraid to say them, we loved each other i could tell by the way we have always looked at each other and i dont care i want to be with him but i knew my paranoia will get the better of me and potentially ruin the relationship.

Louis seemed suprised then smiled 'I think so too,'

he leaned in to kiss me and i kissed him back, the same spark and electrifying feeling ignited in my body. The kiss lasted longer than the last and i felt myself becoming concious because the waitress was eyeing us with a confused expression. did we not look gay to her? and then i saw a family walk in they looked like a nice happy strict family who's children were well-bred and basically kept on a leech. You could tell they were like this because of their neat cotten sweaters that they all wore. I saw them scowl and look at each other when they walked in seeing our kiss. I looked at Louis who was closing his eyes enjoying the kiss and not caring at all. 

we eventually stopped the kiss

'is there something wrong?' Louis asked he could tell i was getting concious

'no nothing at all,' i murmered 'that was perfect,'

the father of the family came up to our table. my stomach flipped when i saw him coming over. 

'excuse me this is a FAMILY resturant i dont want my children to be exposed to such sexual actions,' he said

i was glad that his famiyl lived like under a rock so they didn't know who we were. 

'kissing?' Louis asked shocked. The father just rolled his eyes and walked away. 

'fuck him,' Louis mumbled to me making me laugh. we got up and walked hand in hand out of the resturant after paying. As we walked the family said a offensive joke loudly so we could hear it. 

'What are gay dentists called?' the father asked

'what?' the children responded

'a tooth fairy,' 

this resulted and an eruption of giggles, they all turned to face us to make sure we heard. Louis clenched my hand harder. I wish i didn't care about being made fun of and i wish i could have just realised that aslong as i was happy with Louis it didn't matter what people think.

Louis could see me getting upset, normally Louis would ignore it but seeing me upset made him upset and angry, he noticed how my eyes sulked and my shoulders dipped. Louis went up to the waitress. 

'excuse me miss?' he said

'yes how can i help?' she said

'if someone made a racist joke you would ask them to leave, this family made a rude loud homophobic joke which was very rude why haven't you asked them to leave?' Louis asked

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