chapter 17 - boobear ?

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seeing him so weak so fragile was hart-breaking it made my heart sink and i hated seeing him like this. I remember just walking out of the hospital some time that day after spending countless hours in the hospital pacing around not being able to think. Seeing Louis so helpless broke my heart i cant believe it had got to this for him. 

'It might have been an accident he might have just accidenly cut too far without meaning to kill himself,' Gemma said

'still isn't it bad enough he's self-harming ? i should not have let it get this bad this is all my fault,' i weeped

'he didn't let you help him you tried the best you could,' Gemma said

we had been at the hospital for hours the doctors were trying their best but the cut had hit a vital vain though it wasn't over till the fat lady sings, My boobear was holding on tight he's a fighter he has always been one. 

'there was so many things i wanted to tell him-and now it might be too late,' i said i gulped

'This should act as an awareness to all internet bullies it does affect people in more ways ever imaginable,' Gemma said

'i miss him. gemma i miss him, i said

'i know hazza, i know,' she said 

'Daddy is other daddy in heaven?' Jasmine asked me with sadness in her voice

'No darling,' i said

'is he an angel?' she asked

'Yes he is,' i said ' a brave angel,' 

'then he's dead and in heaven all angel's are in heaven,' jasmine pouted

'Not necessarily youre my angel and you're on earth and so is Louis he isn't in heaven he is keeping his ground he's being strong and he's holding on,' i said

all hope was drowning away from me quicker than i thought it would. 

Then at the miraculous hour of 4am in the morning (we had been at the hospital for over 12 hours) a nurse came up to us. 

'Are you the friends and family of Louis Tomlinson?' The woman asked

i gulped because what if she was telling us the news of his death? what if all hope would be shattered within seconds? what if this was really the end? 

i could barely make sense of my surroundings. 

'Well we have done scans and pumped blood and oxygen and stitched up the cuts and we are glad to say he's getting better and he will be okay,' The nurse said

My heart leaped and i smiled a huge smile, we all hugged each other and celebrated. 

'yes omg yes,' i cried with joy 

my boobear was alive he was breathing he was safe and he will be safe in my arms once again. 

i was estatic, Louis was set to wake up later on that evening so we went home happily i bathed jasmine and i washed myself and we had a nap throughout the day as we had no sleep at all. Louis was put in a recovary centre we weren't allowed to see him for a week because he was recovoring funnily enoough finally the date came for us to see him. I tried calling him but he would hardly answer maybe because he was resting. 

'Lets buy a present for daddy!' she suggested

'yes good idea jasmine, i said kissing her cheeks. she smiled at my happiness. 

We were on cloud 9 and weren't planning on coming down anytime soon. We bought Louis a card and a teddy bear which said 'GET WELL SOON' 

Louis was now in a recovary centre he sat there like an old man watching the boring televison.

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