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conflicted by self-destruction,
i dug my nails into my wrist
until it drew delicious blood.

i glared furiously into the heat
of your kisses; you were too
young to be propped against
the table like that.

people were staring at you all around,
maybe that pleased you.

finally centre of attention.

you were always centre of mine.

i glared and glared.

"shh, shh people are looking."

even the dusty lyrical genius
of a billion authors were gawping
in wonder from the shelves.

i slammed my book on the table,
months filling those pages with
structural perfection,
only not to be enjoyed because
the scene was too unbearable-

and scraped my chair back, abruptly.

"what's wrong?" you were looking
at me riddled with sympathy.

i threw you a distraught look,
captured in those mesmerising
oceans that passed between us
whenever we locked eyes.

i was drowning.
dying to be with you.
to have you pinned against those
library tables, not him.

kieran was giving me a knowing
look, murmuring against your
slender pale neck. a whole universe
under your skin, polluted by
his deceiving breaths-

i wondered if perhaps i
was tough enough to timber
a shelf onto him, crush him
lifeless like a domino.

kieran sniggered hoarsely,
"maybe he just has a giant
crush on you, skye. and he's jealous.
he'll tell you all sorts of lies
to break us up."

you surveyed me in an aghast
silence, and i turned away bitterly.

"not at all. she's all yours." i forced myself to say.

i walked away then, as
kieran laughed and resumed to devour
your dainty lips.

my fists reared.
and my blush was hot.
fuck, i could have killed him.

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