Chapter 19: New Years Resolutions

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The outpouring students dwindled into stragglers. Zara and I sat on our bench avoiding the scuffle. Robbie looked troubled as he stood around waiting to start football practice. He'd been happier over Christmas, but back at school, he was restless. So was I.

"Zara, I've got to find Uncle Dave's will."

"No, you've got to finish your poetry assignment. I understand your desire to help Josie, but seeing the will is not going to alter things. It sounds water tight."

Which is what Edgar said, and why my training had been suspended. It seemed the angrier I got, the bigger the hole in the ground. It was back to doing 'small stuff' and Ed had taken to prowling around as Dawlish again.

I could sense his presence now. There was definitely a strange feeling when he was physically near. It was stronger than the mild weirdness when he was merely keeping a supernatural eye out from wherever he disappeared to.

Another guy from year eleven smiled at Zara. "Well, even though Tammy and Marie have returned to their previous pol-position, you seem to be Miss Popular."

Zara shook her head solemnly. "No, they've all heard I'm seeing Pete and don't want to get on the wrong side of him. It'll take a lot more than a few embarrassments to knock Tam and Marie off their pedestals."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but do we need to knock them off? I mean, as long as we're happy who cares?"

Zara raised her eyebrows. "Profound Ms Hardwick."

"Hardly. Hey, what's Rob's doing?"

He'd thrown off his gloves and was currently stomping off pitch like a storm trooper.

"Hello ladies." Pete, late out of English trudged over with a bag over his shoulder and a grin on his face.

Zara was no simpering Miss. "Pete, what's wrong with Robbie?"

He looked over. "Little Wickie? I don't know. I've just come out." He leant over Zara, but she gently moved him back so she could follow the crisis on the pitch. But it was all over. Robbie had gone and someone else had taken up the gloves. "Could find out if you like. Cost you though." Pete smiled and bent over Zara once more. She allowed him a kiss.

Oh, the pangs of jealousy. I wanted that.

"Minta, just the girl I wanted," said a very welcome, warm voice.

I spun around as my own knight in shining armour stepped into view, dissolving my jealousy in an instant. "George, hi. Good Christmas?"

"Yes, and a Good New Year too. I was sorry you couldn't come to our bash. Shell told me about Jilly's engagement; fantastic news."

"Yeah, fab for Mum, but what do you mean your bash? I didn't know anything about it."

"Really? Shelly said you were off all to the Fireman's. Dad knows Harry. Nice guy apparently.

"Yes he is." Outmanoeuvred by Shelly, again.

Zara nudged in the ribs. "Seeing as you've company, Minta, we'll go." This was new; usually Zara was out to prevent my George infatuation getting worse.

Looking a little sheepish, George waited until they were out of earshot. "I tried to catch you before you left Hunters. I wanted to make sure you got home safely, but my sister said she saw you leave with Zara?" He was taking my anti-Shelly seething as an awkward silence.

I nodded, lost for words by his interest and care. Even in the frozen drizzle, I revelled in George's nearness. It felt pleasantly awkward. "You were caught-up with people when we decided to leave." I refused to say my cousin's name.

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