Epilogue Part 2: As Day Overcomes Night

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The garden flourished under magical care. I was no hands on gardener, but I faired well as a good caretaker; I had to be with only the three hours a week mum let me visit Jasmine Cottage, alone.

My phoned beeped a new text. It was my boss.


I texted back a yes. The short shifts in Iona's shop were a fair exchange for goods I never paid for. And it meant I never had to explain to Mum where I got the money for 'new clothes'.

I picked up the bouquet of 'very early' flowers, wondering if I'd need to sneak them past Mr Jones and his ever-ready camera... had he noticed his pictures were always blurred. Oh so smug, Minta Hardwick!

Jasmine Cottage - all closed up with a finger click. I chuckled, realising why the keyhole was always covered in cobwebs on the rare occasions I had to let myself in when Gam and Gladys were alive. Its two previous owners never used a key and neither did I, anymore.

I touched the amethyst pendent around my neck, and then the stone in the ring on my finger. "Eternity, whatever happens," I whispered as my hand rested on the three spiral charm bracelets on my wrist. It was my parting ritual, before I glanced up at the laurel tree and smiled goodbye at Elsie.

I nearly tripped over the wicker basket on the flagstone.

The basket meowed.

I stared.

It meowed again.

"Shhh." Smiling curiously, I bent down and lifted up the squeaky hinged half-lid.

A kitten, black as night, jumped straight into my arms. The white star shaped mark between its eyes looked like a rising sun. On a ribbon, a small purple stone hung around its neck. A smaller version of the stone I'd been given by Edgar for sleepless nights...

"Lepidolite. Oh."

I carried my kitten home.

Sharper sounds; brighter images; my mind crystal clear and my body light. I could almost fly. The world looked amazingly different and it wasn't just the lack of snow. I'd always been told 'no two snowflakes were the same' and now I knew it to be true. I could see, hear and sense the uniqueness of everything around, yet at the same time, I felt that somehow everything was part of the same big picture.

And I knew.

I understood. Nyd, Gyfy, Wynn. Need, gift and joy.

The circle of life wasn't just about birth and death, but to bring joy and love, and to stop the suffering of the living, in any way possible. And in that, there was bliss.



If you have enjoyed this story, I would love to hear form you in a comment or message! A vote would be lovely too!

I am currently redrafting a sequel so I would love to hear thought on this too.

Thank you for making it this far. xxx

Again another song that inspired me. I feel it was almost written for this chapter - but after the first 43 seconds! Thank you Ellie! 

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