Epilogue part 1: Ostara

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Fear had left me. What was there to fear now, except the passing of time? And that I couldn't change.

I visited 'Of Bit's Bizarre' daily, healing Iona's mind and her Nan's body of the poison Darcy had administered. Old Fiona Mahoney had no recollection of what had happened, or what she'd said. We realized it would take a while before she'd be able to tell us the 'old secrets'; if those secrets ever came back to her. Quite what she'd been able to pass on to Leda, via Darcy, we might never know. And we could only assume the book was hers, although it was never found. I wondered if it mattered anymore? Leda and Darcy had been no more than girls playing at magic and succeeding too well when they should've stopped. Any traces of their army of converts seemed to have vanished forever.

Zara understood my need to be with Iona, especially after I briefly outlined the basics of what had happened. And anyway, she was nearly always with Pete. We'd moved on, but were still the best of friends, as she reminded me daily, always in Iona's earshot.

Mum softened too, though a distance remained between us. I think she sensed it was too late to protect me. When the solicitor called, Mum reluctantly accepted that I'd been right to visit Gam's sick friend and was secretly pleased the cottage was mine.

Mum still loved me, and held me tight when I cried at the funeral, for Great Aunt Minty, for Gladys and most of all for Edgar.

Edgar. No one asked me where, or why my prince had gone. It was as if they knew it was more serious than being dumped by a boyfriend.


Gone from my life. 

And although I tried, I knew no amount of divination, scrying, or any other magic would bring him back.

Every night I heard his voice echo in the darkness. "If you ever need me, Araminta, just say my name."

So I did...

...Every night I held the Lepidolite Edgar had given me to incite sleep. It was the only way.


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