Chapter 22: Spelling Mistakes (part 1)

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I sat in English wondering how to plant the newly aged will on Ferndale. If a file on my Dad still existed somewhere, then that was the place to leave it so it looked a clerical error.

"You got an 'A' for the poetry assignment. Did you use magic?" Zara's asked sincerely. She had a large 'A star' on hers, so the question wasn't spiteful.

I shook my head. "No, but I have to admit, it's got my brain thinking in couplets," and identifying the essence of what I wanted to voice. I didn't say that bit. It sounded too pretentious, and today I was being queen of 'my new life will not change me'.

Edgar was still close, but I hadn't seen him since he'd evaporated out. It worried me, that if an arm stretched into my dream, Ed wouldn't bother to fight it away, but I had to get on. I had to live.


George waved from across the crowded dinner hall. I finished putting my rubbish in the bin and instead of following Zara and Pete outside, waited. He strode over and hugged me tightly. "Did you get my text?" His cheek brushed mine as we parted.

"Yes. What time?" It was a whisper because this time there was chemistry and I could barely contain euphoria.

"Seven. I'll pick you up and get you home midnight, but you'll need to go for the over eighteen look." He carried on walking, but turned and smiled.

"I can do it." I tried to hold back the beam trying to push its way across my mouth, it was almost impossible, but would've been so uncool.

"Good, can't wait." He was also trying hard to supress a smile and that felt amazing. It was a connection and it was a start.

The sea of students parted, George moved on and I noticed Josie at the back of the hall, alone as usual. I needed to tackle her today, before George asked me about the books. I wandered over casually, stopping in front of her table and waiting until she noticed me, but after thirty seconds, I realised she wasn't going to.


She sat up straight. The black circles under her eyes gave away her nocturnal academic existence. "Minta. Sorry, I'm plotting and planning."

I waved the books under her nose. "A friend thought these might come in handy if it's not to late." I smiled as she pulled the books out of my hand eagerly.

"They will. You're magic Minta."

"Well, yes. But they're from a friend, remember."

She laughed kind of not believing me. "Really? Well, they're shipped in, brand new and cost a fortune, so thank your friend."

Remembering the other task, I sat down, placing the programme in front of her. "This presentation. Can I be your plus one?"

Josie put the books down, and shook her head. "I'm not presenting. I'm going to hand it in as coursework."

"Why? You're so clever and you've a great voice."

Josie sighed. "There's no chance of me winning and at the end of the day it's not just about the competition, my qualification is the most important thing. I need to stay sane."

"What's happened to make you doubt your sanity?" I leant forward knowing the answer.

"Look Minta," she hesitated and all traces of a weary grin diminished, "I don't really want to go into details, but Shelly has too much of my original material and wangled herself before me in the presentation."

"Oh. I see. And you're going to let her cheat?"

"Come on Minta, there's nothing I can do that wouldn't make my life harder and as I said, more importantly I need to have the time and space to pass my exams." She wanted me to see the sense, to agree. Josie wasn't being defeatist, just reasonable, in her own eyes.

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