Chapter 3

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Spencer ended up having to cancel on lunch due to a case that presented itself. Part of me was slightly upset but the other part was thankful that I didn't have to look him in eye and pretend that everything was fine when everything is not. So instead of spending the next week stressing I decided to get to work on unpacking all our crap.

Before we came here we had been living on separately. He had lived with his mother and stayed in the house after he put her in a home, which he did shortly after him and I met. We had been together for about a month before he decided that placing her somewhere people could take better care of her was the best idea. I stayed there most nights but I had been living in an old cabin that a friend of my father owned. Of course said friend didn't know I was there but it's not like he ever stopped by to check on things and I always made sure that my things were packed and nothing was ever out of place, the only thing that might have made anyone think someone was there was the fact that I cleaned it. And by clean I mean dusting. I honestly feel that he kept the place just to have it. Spencer knew that I ran away from my family but I never gave him a real reason as to why. I just told him that I had moved around a lot and that I just wanted to settle down and make a life for myself.

At first he had a lot of questions that I had managed to silence with vague answers, I tried to keep everything as close to the truth as possible because starting a relationship out with lies is how you end up alone with 40 cats.

When he enrolled into the academy, we decided to get a place together here and really start our life. I had planed on enrolling in the police academy but that's obviously getting put on hold. Even though I no longer intend on being a hunter I still want to kick ass and take names but I also want a family, though right now isn't the best time to start said family. Though thought of having a family has sounded a lot better in my head then it felt right now in this moment.

Okay, so unpacking is the worst thing ever, when we moved around when I was a kid we only had enough things to fill one dufful bag. I don't even know where he wants half this crap. We already put the bookshelf where we wanted it, but last time I tried to put the books away, he freaked out. Apparently there's a special order that he wants them and he didn't bother to inform me of that order. So now I've got ten boxes scattered around the living room, if you can call it that, floor that I have no freaking clue what to do with them. This is the only room I have left to unpack and I refuse to stare at the three empty bookshelves and a mountain of boxes until he comes home.

Its not like we had anything to put in the kitchen and we already put most of our room together, all that's left is the freaking books. And its not like I can put my books away until I know how much space his takes up. The really sad part is that these are the only things that we really have other then clothes and a few personal items. Neither one of us had very many pictures from when we were kids and the only childhood mementos I own are guns and knives, maybe a handful of pictures. Spencer didn't like my idea of hanging the guns them on the walls so they're tucked away in a box in the back of our closet with the exception of one or two I hid around the apartment, but Spencer doesn't know that, at least I don't think he does.

Just as I was about to give up someone knocked on the door. It was more then likely a neighbor just trying to be friendly. I shoved the box that was full of books about the French Revolution, that were written in French mind you, away from my spot in the middle of the floor and stood before making my way to the door. I didn't bother looking out the peep hole before opening it, stupid me.

Spencer flipped through the case file. To anyone else it would look like he was just skimming the pages but the wasn't at all the truth. He had already memorized the details but that didn't stop him from double checking. When Addison first saw him doing it she thought he was messing with her, that the socially awkward man had a sense of humor she could connect with after all. If took him letting her buy a random book that he'd never seen before and reading it in front of her then she made his recite the first couple pages. Then she never doubted him with anything having to do with his mind ever again.

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