chapter 30

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After Aaron left I literally felt the blood drain from my face. The two of waited a few good minuets before we said anything. The last thing we need is for them to be staring down out backs. But it looked like they would be doing that anyway because Aaron assigned two officers to stand at the door because both I, Spencer, and Sam can all be considered targets. Now you might be asking why Sam is one also, well considering that the only reason that Rodney came after me in the first place was because my dad pissed him off and since both of us have the same dad...well, you get the point.

"So Rodney was dead, and now he's not. Any doubts I had before about this not being out kind of thing are gone." I crossed my arms in an 'x' above my chest before sweeping them out as if to clear the board.

"Are you sure he was dead?"

"Yes, I spoke to his sons who told me without a shadow of doubt that he was dead. They gave him a hunter's funeral!"

"Okay, calm down. First of all too much stress is both bad for you and the baby. Second we will figure this out." He assured me and took a deep breath. "If the body was burned then that rules out ghost."

"Not if he's holding onto something else. But even if he was he shouldn't be able to move around like this." I shook me head and sighed. "Maybe a shapeshifter of some kind?"

"We've never seen anything like that."

"Doesn't mean that they don't exist. There's lore on shifters in almost every religion, every culture that I've ever read about... I think we would be naive to think they aren't real." He thought over that for a second.

"I need to do some research." He stood up and started pulling on his jacket.

"Do you think the guards are going to let you leave? Aaron told us to stay put."

"It's a safety thing, if I don't want to be protected then I don't have to stay here. And all they need to know is that I've got a paper due in a week and I need to go to the library." I chewed on the inside of my lip.

"Well, while you do that. I'm going to call Dad." The look he gave me almost scared me. It would have if I hadn't just spent several hours thinking that Spencer was going to die. "Sam, this isn't just my life on the line, He almost killed Spencer, actually, he did but thank fucking God he somehow came back to life! I can't risk my child's life, Derek's life, and Aaron's life because you don't want to work with dad." I took a deep breath. "So you don't have to talk to him, you don't have to look at him hell, if he comes into the room you can walk right out if that makes you feel better."

"What if this is just Rodney, that his kids lied to you to protect him from Dad? Then what, you called dad all the way out here for a human."

"Then I'll take whatever heat he throws at me. But I haven't hunted is almost five years, I don't have any of my weapons, and I'm four months pregnant! And I have the feds breathing down my neck because I'm considered a target. So I would like to have the comfort of knowing that not only you, but dad and maybe Dean is also on the case." I had stood up and with every word I moved closer and my voice got lower until I was right in front of him and my voice was a whisper.

"Okay." He took a step back. I could tell that my action had surprised him. For the time I've been here with him I had been nothing but happy and a little sad. He saw me angry when I spoke to Aaron but at that point it hadn't been directed at him. Someone had once told that me being angry was like watching a rabid snake. You didn't know what they would do, when they would do it, and where they would strike. I took another deep breath and walked back over to the chair I had been in before. "I'll call you if I find something." And with that he left, but he stopped at the door and turned to me. "We'll find him. I promise." I nodded.

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