chapter 16

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Spencer and I ended up staying for another hour before we left, but not until Haley made me promise to get lunch with her the next day. He had convinced me to let him drive against my better judgement, you see, Spencer may have memorized every driving law for every state in the country but knowing how to load a gun and knowing how to shoot one are two totally different things.

"Why are you so nervous?" Spencer gave me a sideways glace and I felt my hand involuntarily tighten around the 'oh shit' handle.

"Keep your eyes on the road please!" He did as I said. "I understand that you know how to drive but if you want to keep my stress levels down you'll keep your eyes on the road and stop talking." I heard him sigh but he didn't argue with me. The first time that I ever let him drive me somewhere he ran the car into a pole. We hadn't even left the parking lot! Then time after time he always managed to break something while behind the wheel. Not so much anymore but the fear is still very present. We soon pulled into the parking lot of out building and nothing was said until he unlocked our door. Once inside with the door closed I shrugged off my jacket and turned around. I pushed my hair to the side. "Can you unzip me?"

He didn't reply but I felt his hands just under the back of my next and the dress loosened around my shoulders and back. His fingers began to trace the scar that ranged from over my shoulder grazing the side of my neck and ran all the way down to my lower back. Four claw marks made up the angry lines causing them to stand out painfully against my pale skin. I had gotten them from a werewolf, not the same one that nearly killed me when I was still with my family but one that had stumbled into Vegas. As I'm sure you can tell, werewolves and I don't have the best of track record.

Spencer and I had been together for about six months before the killings started. I hadn't noticed them at first, I had been avoiding reading the newspaper and watching the news. I didn't want to have to look at all the people that could have helped, the people that still would have been alive if I hadn't been so desperate to have a normal life. Finally Spencer brought them up to me, he had been going on about how the animals were only taking the heart. How the bodies had been ripped to shreds but the only organ missing was the heart. Of course that got my attention. I wasn't able to sleep that night, all I could think about was how people were being killed and the police had no idea what the hell they were doing. So I left.

I didn't tell Spencer where I was going, hell I didn't even tell him I was leaving. I hunted the things down and I killed it but the same thing happened as the time before that. I hesitated and it nearly got me killed. Werewolves had always been hard for me, most of the time the people didn't even know what they were doing, they just woke up in the middle of the night as a monster and killed those that had screwed them over. I always saw them as innocent people and pulling the trigger wasn't easy. My back had been torn to shreds and I almost died, I checked into the hospital under a false name and let them stich me up. The only good thing was the fact that my fake name was over 18 so when I said that I didn't want anyone contacted no one was contacted.

After a few days I signed myself out, against doctors orders of course, and went back to Spencer. He had nearly lost his mind and wouldn't let me do anything on my own until the scars were nicely healed, well maybe not nicely. He did make the connection that the animal that had been killing everyone did the damage but that was all. HIs fingers still lingered on my skin as I pushed the dress off and stepped out of it. I didn't have to turn around to know that his face went from serious to beat red. I felt his hand fall away and I kicked the dress away from me and whirled around to face him. HIs eyes traveled from my face to the tattoo on my chest. One of the first things he did to impress me was study up on the symbol. He hadn't understood why I got it when he found out what it meant. Why did I need to keep demons out when they don't exist.

So I told him it was to protect myself from my own demons, true enough anyway. At that time I was battling my inner demons and he helped me win. I'm not sure where I would be if it wasn't for him. From the tattoo they went to the healing wound on my left shoulder. There was still gauze wrapped around it keeping the bad things from getting inside. I know he feels guilty for not looking for me sooner and there isn't anything I can do to make him stop feeling that way. From my shoulder they went right above my stomach where I had been stabbed when we first met. Then they found the scar that ran down my side from the first time a werewolf tore into me. Then finally they rested on my stomach that was currently holding a ten week old baby. They lasted there for a lot longer then anywhere else and I stepped towards him breaking his trance. "What are you thinking?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him.

"Each one of those things could have killed you." He said quietly. He rested his hands on my bare waist absentmindedly.

"But none of them did." "But the next one might." He sighed. "Every year something happens and I almost lose you." I pulled him closer to me and pressed my face into the crook of his neck. "Everything's going to be fine. The only thing we need to worry about now is this kid that is no doubt going to be a nightmare if they are anything like me." The words were muffled but I knew he heard me. "Lets just not think about it right now." I pulled away and tried to look him in the eyes but he was looking at something behind me in the kitchen. I turned and looked for what had him confused and it didn't take me long to find it.

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