Chapter 27

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On day seven I woke up to the sounds of someone knocking on the door quietly. Well it sounded quietly until I woke up fully. I let them continue tapping on the door as I blinked up at the ceiling allowing myself a few minuets to wake up before I deal with whoever is on the other side of the door. They started hitting the door harder and my phone started to ring. I blindly patted the nightstand next to the bed until I felt it in my hands. I pulled it off its charger and flipped it open.

"Yeah." I closed my eye at the bright light that came from the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Can you open the door?" Spencer's tired voice drifted though. I hung up the phone and forced myself to get out of the warm bed and walk across the room. I unlocked the deadbolt and the handle and moved the chair I had pressed under the doorknob. Once my safety measures were removed I opened the door and stepped to the side so he could come in. He didn't say anything about the chair as I moved it back into place. He dropped his messenger bag onto the floor next to the bed that was farthest from the door and sat down on the edge. I yawned and moved around the bed to the other side before falling into it.

"Everything okay?" I asked him as he laid down and pulled the blanket up. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"There isn't anything we can do until we find the body." I left it at that. He didn't like talking about cases with me and he sounded to tired for me to press for details. "Aaron told us to get some sleep and we can look at the case with fresh eyes in the morning." I nodded even though with me laying down it felt more like I was just rubbing my face into his neck.

"Sounds legit." We were quiet after that I drifted back to sleep.


I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. It took me a second to realize what woke me up until another shrill ring cut though the small motel room.

"I fucking hate phones." I mumbled as I reached over Spencer to grab his phone that sat next to mine. He was plugged into my charger and I pulled it off and answered it. "Huh?" I rolled over but was still pressed against him.

"You sound like a ray of sunshine." Derek said with amusement in his voice but I could tell he was using it to cover up something else.

"What do you want?" I sounded a little harsh but I couldn't help it, I don't like being woken up at odd hours of the day and when I say 'odd hours' I mean any hour of any day. Spencer doing it is one thing but no one else is allowed.

"We need lover boy. Sorry to disappoint." I sighed heavily but it was more for the affect then anything else.

"Fine, but only because if I don't let him go then people will die." I pushed on Spencer's shoulder as I said it. He groaned and turned over to face away from me.

"I wouldn't expect anything else." He chuckled and I hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

"Come on." I shoved him again but made sure I didn't push him off the bed. "You need to go to work." He rolled back over and blinked at me with tired eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily. I simply shrugged, I didn't need to know the time because I'm not the one that needs to go to work. I relayed my thoughts to him and he wasn't at all amused. Though he didn't say anything, he just got up and started getting ready but I could tell he felt a lot better then he did the day before. I didn't get up from my spot on the bed as got his things together. Before he left he came over to me and pressed his lips against mine. I felt his hand glide over my stomach before he pulled back. "Please be careful." He murmured.

"Look who's talking." A lot of people think that Spencer doesn't know when people are joking that's not entirely true. He might have a hard time when it comes to people he doesn't know very well but after being around them and getting to know the way they are he gets better about it. The look he gave me right now told me knew that I wasn't being serious and didn't at all appreciate it. "Okay, I promise. But you have to be careful to." I gave him a pointed look and he nodded.

"I will." And with that he was gone. I waited a few minuets to see if he forgot something or was coming back for whatever reason before I got up and looked at the time. Sam mentioned that he would be having things to do after class today and that he would meet up with me after he was done. So now that I was woken up as eight in the morning I had nothing to do until anytime after one. So I had two options, I could either go back to bed and try and sleep the day away until Sam came knocking on my door, or I could go out and explore until then. "What to do...what to do…?"

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