Chapter 5 - Twenty Questions

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Blythe's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Luca's sister. Two days ago, I would have thought you were crazy if you suggested Michael was involved in something as criminal as her murder, but I'd seen him kill with my own two eyes. I would have been less surprised about Jimmy, but that was probably because I'd always thought he was a giant perv. I hated being left alone with him, even for a few minutes. He always made sexual comments and snide remarks that bordered the line of inappropriate, but were just innocent enough that he could claim I was overly sensitive if I said something to Michael.

I stared at Luca, pondering whether I should trust him. What were the chances that I would end up next to someone whose life had been horrifically altered by the very people I was trying to escape? He told Farrah he was a detective, but I knew that rumor was the police force was corrupt. Jimmy had a lot of people in his pocket. Of course, Luca sounded like he had a reason to hate Jimmy, not work for him.

Also, he totally bought my adolescent act, and while I knew that I look young, if he was really a great detective, wouldn't he realize I wasn't so prepubescent? Then again, it wasn't like I was a suspect he was studying. He'd hardly paid me any extra attention, so maybe he'd realize if he spent more time around me. The thought made me cringe in fear. I couldn't put my trust in anyone. I'd have to maintain the façade until I could get to Oklahoma. Once Luca went back to New York, I could be myself...whoever that was anymore.

I bit my lip in frustration, eyes pinned on a sleeping Luca. I felt like two sides of me were at war, battling in the decision of trust. It was such a scary concept at that moment. Luca shifted in his seat, one eye opening and catching my fascinated gaze. He smirked and yawned, sitting upright.

"How long did I sleep?" he muttered softly.

I glanced at my bare wrist and couldn't conceal the grin that met my lips. Looking dramatically between my wrist and Luca's searing chocolate gaze, I started to giggle.

"Got it. No watch," he chuckled.

His eyes looked so compassionate, and I remembered the look on his face when he first realized I was on the wrong bus. His protective nature hadn't been faked. I might not have trusted him enough to give him my life story, but maybe I could ask a few questions without raising his suspicion. I cleared my throat, and looked at him, a tentative expression on my face, I'm sure.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked quietly.

Luca immediately turned his body toward me, his body language conveying openness and making him seem even more worthy of my trust. I scolded myself, though, and determined to tread carefully.

"Go ahead," he replied encouragingly.

"That man that your sister dated. You said he hurt her. Did he go to jail?" I asked it as innocently as possible, trying to make it seem that I didn't know anything about the Fitzgeralds.

Luca's cheeks reddened, and I saw one of them tick in frustration, but his voice was calm and reassuring.

"No, honey. The police couldn't find enough evidence, and there weren't any witnesses."

He sounded so gentle, I would have missed the hint of bitterness in his voice if I hadn't been looking for it.

"You said you were a detective." I paused to make eye contact. "Why couldn't you catch him?"

Luca's swift intake of breath made him look like he'd been sucker punched, and I suddenly felt like a grade A bitch.

"I'm working on it, Blythe," he murmured, his eyes cutting away from mine.

"Has he done other bad stuff too?" I asked innocently. "Why is it so hard to catch him?"

Luca sighed and looked me straight in the eyes. He looked as if he was debating what to say, but he finally broke the awkward silence. His shoulders sagged, and he looked like he was Atlas carrying the weight of the world.

"Every time I get close... Every time we find a witness to something he's done..." Luca ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "They keep disappearing," he growled, losing his cool for the first time.

"Disappear?" My voice cracked, and it wasn't even intentional. I wondered if they disappeared like me, safe and on the run, or if they disappeared in a more sinister sense. Luca's dark look in my direction answered that question and I gulped.

"I shouldn't even be talking to you about this," he groaned. "You're just a kid."

"Hey! I watch Law and Order," I joked, trying to lighten his mood. I wasn't sure why I even cared. At the moment, I should be trembling in fear, knowing the Fitzgeralds had a history of killing witnesses to their evil deeds.

Luca smiled weakly. "Thanks, kid," he muttered.

My heart kind of hurt for the guy. I could tell he was sincerely frustrated with Jimmy's lack of bars on his bedroom window. I shared the sentiment. If Jimmy were in jail, the whole Fitzgerald empire would fall, right?


Or would Michael take over and be just as devious? To be honest, I was more afraid of him at the moment. Someone had to be truly sinister and evil to hide it behind such a perfect façade, and Michael hadn't done one thing to make me think anything was off with him in the entire time I'd know him. That is, until I saw him kill a guy in cold blood.

"Luca?" I whispered. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I reached over and clasped his hand.

"Yeah, kid?" His shiny eyes locked with mine.

"You'll catch him," I answered matter-of-factly.

Luca's lips turned up on one corner, and the hint of a dimple shown in his cheek. I'd have been a goner if I'd have met the man in a club, but the surreal circumstances surrounding my sudden cross-country bus trip kept me grounded. I didn't have time to get lost in his dark, soulful eyes, or to wish that I could run my fingers through his tousled dark brown hair, or to lick the freckle just behind his right ear...

Shaking my head from my sudden trance, I began lecturing myself on the benefits of celibacy. Benefit one - I'd have never dated Michael. Benefit two - therefore, I wouldn't have witnessed a murder or been running for my life. Benefit three - I wouldn't have stranded a groom a week before a wedding, causing a huge rift between myself and my parents. See? There were lots of benefits to celibacy.

The hand waving in front of my face snapped me from my thoughts. I blushed, realizing that I had zoned while staring at Luca's freckle. He probably thought I was looking over his shoulder. At least, I hoped that was what he thought. How awkward if he thought I was a smitten tween.

"You okay, Blythe?" he asked.

"Yeah, just tired." The excuse was the first lie that came to mind, but the moment the words were out, I yawned, realizing how sleepy I actually felt.

"Why don't you take a nap?" Luca suggested. "I'll wake you when we get to Pittsburgh," he promised.

I nodded and leaned my head against the freezing window. Luca must have seen me grimace, because he very sweetly tapped my shoulder and waited for me to look at him.

"You can rest your head on me, Blythe."

My eyes widened and I looked at him in shock. Luca blushed, and quickly clarified.

"You can use my shoulder. I don't mind."

I nodded and leaned in his direction. Taking a deep breath, I sighed, relaxing into Luca's muscular arm. For the first time in hours, I felt truly safe. Eyes closed, I drifted to sleep. Dark, exotic espresso orbs, a melodic voice, and strong arms filled my thoughts, and I smiled subconsciously in contentment.

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