Chapter 28 - Betrayed

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Luca POV

The ice cold water sluiced down my back, alleviating the anger racing through my veins. I couldn't believe that Blythe wanted to walk into that group of miscreants and surrender. Photos of Alessandra's crime scene assaulted me. Only, Blythe's face was superimposed over Ally's body. Growling at how helpless I felt, I balled my hand into a fist and slammed it full-force into the tiled wall. Cracks ran through several of the ivory squares, and chipped pieces of ceramic dusted my feet. I'd have to send Rachel's cousin a check to pay for the damages, but the only damage I was concerned with at the moment was the damage done to Blythe. I didn't even care about the bruises forming on my knuckles.

As I walked into the bedroom to dress, I noticed Blythe lying unmoving on the bed. The gentle rise and fall of her chest brought me peace, but I feared this was the last time I would see her without a threat imminently lurking. Her expression was soft, but I knew the moment she opened her eyes, they would once again be accusing. She didn't understand that I only wanted to protect her. I knew she'd never forgive me if Farrah was lost due to my meddling, so I was adamant that we would rescue Farrah, but there had to be a way to do that without letting Blythe walk into the lion's den.

I retrieved my firearms and strapped one to my leg. I dug through the closet, fortuitously locating a man's t-shirt. My shoulder protested as I forced my arm into the shirt, and I sighed in relief when I was able to lower it. I attached my shoulder holster and secured my gun. Stealthily creeping through the room, I headed down the stairs and to the kitchen. My stomach rumbled, begging for food. Opening the refrigerator, I groaned at the paltry selection. Soy milk, tofu, some weird cabbage dish, and a bag of carrots were the only foods visible. The pantry proved just as disappointing. We'd need to stop for food while we located another place to stay.

Grumbling to myself, I wandered into a small sitting room near the front of the house and settled onto a couch that was more feminine than I would prefer. God, it looked like a flower meadow threw up in the room, and the couch was the pièce de résistance. I lowered my head into my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. I needed a plan, and I needed one now.

Reflecting on the last week, I realized a few life-changing things had taken place...the most important one within the last twelve hours. I'd broken my engagement to Rachel, finally gotten close to bringing down the Fitzgeralds, and had somehow fallen for a petite, blonde temptress that I never wanted to let go. After the night I'd spent with Blythe, there was no way in hell I was going to let her walk into Michael's clutches and trade her life for anyone. That being said, I knew she'd fight me tooth and nail on that decision, so I'd probably wait to tell her until we were ready to go to the meet with the Fitzgeralds. Once Walker had her restrained, I'd go myself, and I'd be damned if I didn't walk out with Farrah Conners at my side. That plan might cause some friction due to Blythe's doubt of Walker's loyalty. Our argument that morning had not been the first time she'd made a comment about his potential betrayal, but I couldn't bring myself to agree. Zane Walker was the one person I would trust over all others, and I would do so even to my detriment.

Blythe's bitterness towards Natalie was another matter entirely. Before, she had never hinted that she thought Natalie was dirty, and her only anger towards Nat had been due to the lingerie the boys had packed in her suitcase. Nothing I'd said or done should have ever given her reason to believe Natalie and I were an item, so I wanted to address that elephant in the room as soon as possible.

I stiffened when I heard my cell phone ring, hoping Jimmy wasn't calling already with instructions. I still needed to contact Walker and Natalie to formulate our next steps. I rolled my eyes when I saw Rachel's home number on the screen. She didn't seem to get the hint that I didn't want to talk to her, and her questions yesterday told me she was up to something. And whatever it was, it wasn't any good.

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