Chapter 11 - Party Fail

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Blythe's POV

I scrunched my nose in displeasure as I straightened my party dress. "Why did we have to get so dressed up again?"

Bekah shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "Mom just said we were going to a party. Trust me, no one tells me anything, so I don't even know what party or who is going to be there."

Though Bekah tried to hide it, I could see that it bothered the girl that her family kept things from her.

"I'm glad you didn't wear that gold one, Blythe." She gestured to the navy dress with little white hearts that I was currently wearing. "This one looks more age appropriate, and you look really pretty in it."

I smiled softly at Bekah. While I wasn't jazzed to be dressed in an outfit designed for a child, I had to admit she had done a fabulous job making me look younger.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Bekah," I admitted. "You've been a lifesaver. And you look pretty, too. That plum color suits you."

Bekah blushed at the compliment as she looked out the window of the car.

"We're here," she murmured, tucking a stray blonde lock behind her ear.

As we exited the car, I was surprised at the posh nature of the hotel in front of us. We followed Mr. and Mrs. Kelly through the fancy lobby. The sound of Mrs. Kelly's stilettos echoed on the marble floor. Shimmering chandeliers, deep navy walls with gold patterns, and lush plants lent a Venetian feel to the room.

We finally reached a ballroom that was decorated in a similar color scheme. I felt suddenly intimidated as I saw the large number of people already in attendance. Bekah gently grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze of encouragement. She knew I was nervous to be around so many people. It was hard enough pretending to be twelve when around just a few strangers for a short period of time, but to spend an entire evening with more than a hundred of them was daunting.

"Come on!" Bekah squealed. "I see my friends. We'll avoid Rachel's minions tonight," she grinned.

I think I was even more nervous to be around kids, since Bekah was the only one who had seen through my disguise. Would the other kids be just as observant?

We reached a group of six kids that were hovering near a punch bowl and an appetizer table. My steps slowed of their own accord, but Bekah tugged me, forcing me to quicken my pace.

"Hi guys!" she grinned at her friends. Nodding in my direction, she began to make introductions. "This is Blythe. She's visiting my family for a couple of days."

Still feeling nervous, and just a little bit shy, I waved weakly at the group. There were four boys and two girls, and for kids, they were pretty attractive. I wondered for a moment if one of the boys might be Bekah's boyfriend. A small smirk slipped onto my face at the thought.

Bekah threw her arms around the two girls in the group. "These are my best friends Andi and Sam." I grinned at the girls. Andi's pale blonde hair and bluish gray eyes were so similar to Bekah's, she looked like she could have been Bekah's twin. Sam, on the other hand, was tan with long black hair and deep brown eyes. They were both remarkably pretty, and I could tell from their smiles that they loved Bekah as much as she loved them.

"And these guys are Liam, Josh, Steven, and Mark," she said pointing to the boys of the group. I smiled at the boys, and couldn't help the blush that flooded my cheeks at the sight of Liam's cheeky grin.

"How old are you guys?" I asked the group. It turned out I was the "youngest" one. Sam was thirteen like Bekah; Andi, Josh, and Steven were fourteen; and Liam and Mark were fifteen. They were all pretty good kids, and they joked and teased each other like they'd known each other since they were babies. It made me a little homesick. It had been so long since I had spoken with any of my friends from back home. My break-up with Charlie had divided our group pretty evenly. Even my parents had sided with him when I called off the wedding.

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