Chapter 30 - Meeting of the Minds

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Luca POV

Blythe was pissed. I watched her grind her teeth while sending death glares at my two best friends. She wouldn't even make eye contact with me. The only person who wasn't suffering from her icy demeanor was Eastcott, but he didn't seem to care either way. The man was all business.

"So, I've made arrangements for everyone to stay at a hotel nearby," Natalie said, breaking the tension-filled silence. "It's not as nice as The Burnham. We're working on WITSEC budget right now," she explained, shrugging her shoulders in a half-hearted apology.

"Wait a minute," Blythe sneered, standing from her chair. "I'm supposed to trust you to arrange my lodging again, when last time we almost died?!?" Her face was red as she gestured between the two of us, and I knew this was going to be a difficult meeting...only, I had a feeling that "difficult" was an understatement.

Natalie's back stiffened, and she narrowed her eyes at Blythe. "I had nothing to do with that, and neither did my men," she growled.

Blythe stepped toe-to-toe with Natalie. The fact that Natalie towered over her didn't take away from the fierceness of Blythe's gaze or tone. Her eyes were blazing as she forced an insincere laugh.

"Pardon me for being skeptical," she spat. "I mean, you got us a hotel room and a new phone, and BOTH were compromised within ONE day, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence," she finished sarcastically.

Natalie glowered, and I noticed her hands whiten as she fisted them. The last thing I needed was a physical fight between the two. While Natalie had size and training on her side, I had no doubt the farm girl in Blythe could hold her own.

"Girls," I interjected, trying to bring the conversation to a more productive topic. "At this point, it doesn't matter much where we are staying. What matters is how we plan to outsmart Mikey and Jimmy."

Natalie nodded curtly, but kept her angry gaze on Blythe. On the other hand, Blythe ignored me completely and turned to Walker.

"What about you, hot shot?" she challenged. "You're the supposed best friend, but from what I gather, you're the one who gave up the phone number in the first place."

"What?!" Walker looked both confused and offended. His brows lowered in consternation and he folded his arms across his massive chest.

"Where on earth did you figure that, Blythe?" I hadn't told her that Rachel had called, much less that she said she got my number from Walker.

Blythe rolled her eyes at me. "I'm not stupid, Luca. I know Natalie hates Rachel, and my guess is the feeling is mutual. If she were tracking down your number, she wouldn't call Natalie." Each time she spoke Natalie's name, it was laced with venom. "Walker's the only other available option," she commented, rolling her eyes.

I stared at Blythe for a moment, unsure of how to respond. I had thought the same thing, actually. Before I could comment, Walker stormed across the room to the center table. Slamming his hand on the tabletop dramatically, he leaned forward and stared into Blythe's haughty face.

"You may think highly of yourself, but tell me this. I've never even met Rachel, so why the hell would I give her a secure number for Luca?" he roared. "I wouldn't even know if I was really talking to Rachel!"

"I was kind of wondering that myself," I muttered, and Walker's eyes snapped to mine, a mixture of fury and hurt in them. "She said she called the precinct and got the number from you," I expounded.

"That never happened, Luca," he grumbled. "If she got the number, it wasn't from me." He stared into my eyes, and all I saw was openness. I believed him. He was closer than a brother, and I knew he wouldn't betray me that way.

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