One Shot

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A/N :: This is for all you Tristan fans, written by @x_SkinnyLove_x Enjoy!

One Shot

Tristan Ward

Today was like any other day, Darcy woke up, went to Chemotherapy treatment, slept and then spent time with Matt when she wasn't with Nathan. She had just woken up after hearing a quiet knock on the door. Matt was out with his girlfriend Troian against his will. Darcy had just wanted him to get out of the house and spend some time with someone other than Tristan.

Darcy sat up and leaned against the backboard as Tristan walked in carrying a cup of hot steaming tea. He placed it down on the nightstand beside the bed.

"Hey De, how are you?" Tristan went to Darcy's side and put his arm lovingly around her shoulder. You could see it in the way he looked at her, that he was in love with her. He knew the one he loved didn't love him back, but that didn't stop Tristan from trying.

"I'm ok." She told him somberly and leaned back onto his chest. What Tristan didn't know was that he was the guy Darcy had been waiting for. For the longest time she had loved him just as much, or even more then he loved her. Then she met Nathan and that changed things.

"I need to tell you something." Darcy sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"Tristan you know I can't be with you, I'm with Nathan. Please you have to understand. We can be friends though, we've always been friends." She reasoned. She was telling herself it wasn't something she had always wanted. Darcy was telling herself a lie.

"I know, and I'll always be here for you. I just want you to know this... Darcy I am in love with you and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. If Nathan ever screws up, then I want you to know that I'll still be here." Darcy shook her head. She wouldn't let Tristan get to her. It was Nathan she loved not Tristan. Although isn't it possible to love two people at once?

"Nathan isn't going to screw up, I love him and he loves me." I stated.

Tristan acted on impulse and pressed his tender soft lips against hers. He expected her to fight him, push him away but she didn't. Their lips moved in sync, as one. It was like they had kissed a thousand times before. It seemed natural.

Darcy was left stunned. Her lips tingled and she stared wide eyed as Tristan backed up licking his lips.

"Just remember how that felt. That's all I ask." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Darcy ran her thumb along her chapped lips and furrowed her eyebrows. Did that just happen?

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