Chapter 2

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For the next few weeks, all was well. I unpacked and received visits from the pack frequently. Not a day went by that I didn't get at least two visits. Javi's pack was just as friendly after two visits. I was often invited to runs in my panther by the two new packs. I only went with another person once and that was Jessy. It just seemed too intimate with anyone else.

As time passed, the weather grew colder and colder. I had few winter clothes and found that it was time for me to go shopping if I didn't want to freeze this season. This town had few boutiques and Javi's was little better. There was a bigger town on the other side so I made the decision to go Saturday. There must not be a pack there because the alpha did not have to get his permission. It wouldn't make sense to only invite the town on the right and not the one on the left to see if my presence was acceptable to them.

Saturday came and I dressed in jeans and one of the few long sleeve shirts I had. A note was posted to the door for future visitors that I was shopping and should be back before nightfall. It was not far after all. After maybe an hour of driving I reached the town of Asten. GPS did not fail me and it wasn't long before I was entering the mall they had there.

Maybe if I had noticed the way certain people in the crowd glanced at me or the strange scent in the air, I could have avoided the situation. But alas, it was as I was putting the bags in the trunk that I noticed it. Well, more I noticed the shout behind me. Deja-vu hit me when I smacked my head against the trunk. I turned to find out what all the noise was about and smelled a scent like cedar but darker.

Heading in my direction was a small group of men. Their expressions warned me that something was up and I quickly shut the trunk and swiveled on my heel to get into the car. No such luck. I bounced right off a male chest, reeking with the smell. He looked down at me blankly and I noticed immediately the way he held himself. It was the stance of a predator. I shrunk back a little and stared into caramel eyes.

"I'm Soralyn. Do you need a ride or something?"

It was the only thing I could think to say. He obviously didn't expect it and blinked in surprise. He didn't seem on any hurry to reply so I went on.

"I'm not from around here but I can certainly try to get you there. Actually I'm kind of lost. I live in in the next town over and have just finished unpacking so I haven't had much chance to explore. You probably would know where to go though so I suppose you can give me direction-."

Quickly he covered my mouth. He looked disgruntled about something.

"Your story makes no sense. You will be coming with me."

The coffee colored man grabbed my arm and began to lead me away.

"Wait! My car!"

"It will be fine there. No one will dare touch it with my scent around it."

The strange words made me give him a suitable are-you-crazy look. He didn't seem to notice. His friends formed a little square around us. I don't know how they kept pace with him. I was practically being dragged!

"Slow down man! My legs are much shorter than yours!"

He glanced down and kept his pace.

"I have no patience for women. Especially one as loud as you."

"Hey you take that back!"

I bristled, forgetting my fear for a moment. I continued on,

"At least I'm not a... A... Meanie head!"

It was a childish insult but I could not think of anything under pressure. Like I had said before, I did not socialize much. The insult worked better than I thought though. He came to a complete stop and slowly turned to me.

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