Chapter 5

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I dressed up a little, since these were people Xavier trusted and I wanted to make a good impression. I took a deep breath and shook my head before heading down. I had heard the door slam a few times and people talking so I knew someone had arrived. Bernie followed me closely, sensing my nervousness. His warm fur was comforting to entangle my fingers in and my nerves settled a little.

I located the hub of the noise in the den. Xavier stood there and I recognized three others: his brother, as well as his guards from before, Gerard and Benny. The others I didn't recognize at all. Xavier turned to me and nodded when he was my appearance.

"Soralyn, you know Gerard and Benny."

The team smiled at me and bowed their heads in respect. I returned the smile before looking at the three I did not recognize. One was female though her stature was quite masculine and solid. She was eyeing me like I had surprised her as well.

"My beta is this man here, Giovanni."

Giovanni had quite an Italian name and his looks fit it too, with black, curly hair and nearly as dark eyes.


He inclined his head in respect, though my Panther bristled when she saw his look of doubt as he took me in. I let her show a little authority through me and met his gaze dead on.

"A pleasure. I hope we can get along."

The man did seem a little taken aback but his eyes took on a little respect, which soothed her. Xavier gestured to the tall, sturdy white blond woman with bright hazel eyes.

"This is Sasha, one of our best warriors."

The woman grinned rakishly at me and my own lips quirked up in response.

"Happy to be of service to you Luna."

I smiled back fully at her.

"I hope I can live up to your expectations."

Xavier met my eyes before introducing me to the last one. I was glad to see approval in my mate's eyes because no matter how cool and composed I was acting, I still couldn't help but to be nervous.

"And last is Robin, another trusted warrior."

Something about Robin didn't agree with me. He was middle aged with greying brown hair and hazel eyes so his appearance was completely average but maybe it was the way his eyes calculated me sharply that didn't settle as safe with me or my Panther. I nodded and he murmured Luna respectfully. Bernie flopped down in front of me, conveniently putting himself between me and the suspicious gentleman.

"Ah. And that's Bernie, my mate's dog."

They all looked down at him with puzzlement before Sasha asked,

"How did you get him to be so calm near shifters?"

"He's always been like that. I rescued him. The only thing he doesn't like are men and especially men who are threatening towards me. He will attack. That's already been tested so please don't be foolish enough to try it."

I cast an ill glance towards Xavier's foolish brother, whose injuries seemed to have healed. Sasha laughed but didn't mention it anything. Xavier gestured for us to sit and we all did, excluding the man himself.

"Soralyn, these people will be taking turns guarding you. They will do it with their lives if need be so if they tell you to do something for your safety, follow it without question. If something was to happen to me, Giovanni will take temporary control alongside you."

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