Chapter 6

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Even though Sasha, deemed the best warrior in the pride, seemed formal and dare I suggest masculine with her appearance, she clapped her hands like a preppy five year old and with the same degree of enthusiasm.

"What do you want to play?"

She chose hide and seek, though with the twist of the seeker being blindfolded. That didn't seem quite fair to me but apparently it was a game shifters used all the time to hone their senses as a child. Playing the game would not only pass time but give me a bit of training as well. Sasha volunteered to be the first one up after I located one of my scarves to use as a blindfold. Bernie wasn't interested in our game so I let him doze on the couch. Gio tied the scarf around her eyes quickly before disappearing from the room. Everywhere inside on the first floor is fair game but no locked doors. After spinning Sasha around a few times, I headed into the kitchen for the pantry. The bottom half held the cart so if I pulled it out and stored it out of the way I would have more than enough space to hide. I tried to move as quietly as possible, keeping an ear out for Sasha's count to reach ten. I just barely had the door closing with a light click before she was finished.

With my knees pulled to my chest, I waited in darkness for her to find me. Could she really navigate through the house blindfolded and actually find me? The feat would be rather impressive. It was as I was sitting there that memories started to come back from the night I discovered I had a visitor. The pantry was bigger than my kitchen cabinet but the feel was remarkably the same. I felt my breathing quicken a little as I realized that this probably wasn't the best hiding spot with my history. Gulping back my fear, I reminded myself that this was just a game and I had two very strong and dependable shifters to protect me if need be.

The door opened and I jumped, knocking my head into the shelf above me. Sasha grinned and sniffed at me smugly.

"There you are Luna."

She sniffed again this time, her smile disappearing quickly. Strong fingers tore away her blindfold and she peered down at me almost frantically.

"Luna? Are you alright?"

I crawled out and rubbed my head, heart still racing.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just a bump on the head."

"But... Why do you smell of fear?"

I jolted a little with surprise before I remembered to what extent shifters had over their senses. Of course she could smell my fear.

"Oh, it's nothing. That just wasn't the best hiding place for me. Now you better put on that blindfold before Gio finds out you took it off."

"Too late."

Giovanni leaned against the doorway of the kitchen, casting me a glance as if he was checking for injuries. Sasha immediately protested his presence.

"Aww, no fair! I want a rematch."

"You took the blindfold off so your turn is over. Since you found Luna first, she goes next. But for you Luna we will stay in the den and you'll try to touch us. That'll be the best challenge for you right now."

I nodded and followed them both to the den. Bernie immediately moved out, as if he knew exactly what we were up to. My pup certainly was a smart one. Sasha tied the blindfold around my eyes and spun me around as I began to count.


Sasha hissed something at Gio on my left.


I waited for my world to stop spinning before taking a hesitant step forward. Straining to listen, I found my hearing consisted of silence. Come on, I had to be able to hear them breathing at least. Inhaling, I found that I could quite clearly distinguish two distinct smells from those of the house. Deciding to try to tag Sasha, I stayed still until I felt like I knew her position. Once I was positive, I jumped forward, hand extended. The rush of air and slightly startled inhale that greeted me assured me my lunge had been close at least. Determined not to lose her, I lunged again in the direction I thought she went, only to be met by a sharp pain in my shin. The edge of the table. Dang. Stumbling back, I hissed softly as I rubbed the sore area and heard Gio ask as he took a few audible steps towards me,

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